LukeS26 (He/They)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023

  • I can’t claim to know your exact situation or anything, but it could be possible that some of what you see as people thinking you’re gross isn’t really that. If you experience enough mistreatment or hate then other things that might have a different explanation can definitely feel related to it. I’m not saying that as a way to try and minimize your experiences or anything, but sometimes it can help to try and find other reasons that people act how they do. If you have a negative image of yourself then it makes sense you’d imagine any sort of negative interaction is because of that, but people are complicated and there’s no saying what necessarily causes someone to do anything.

    Either way, the people who would bully anyone are assholes. If anyone mistreats someone because they don’t conform to their specific standards then they don’t deserve to have an opinion on you. I know that it’s easier said than done, but try to ignore those people. Your self worth shouldn’t be based on how jerks feel.

    No matter how people act or how you perceive yourself, you are still worthy of love and happiness. There will always be people who find you unattractive for a variety of reasons, just like anyone else. But there are also tons of people who will find you attractive for those same reasons and more. And like I said before, what matters the most at the end of the day isn’t how others feel, it’s how you do. So try to go easy on yourself and remember that one person’s opinion isn’t a fact.

    If you want to change something about yourself to make you happy, go for it! But trying to change yourself to make jerks happy will never work, because they can always find something new to criticize.

  • Hey, I just want to say I’m sorry you feel like this. I know it sucks not being happy with how you look, and it’s hard, but try to step back and look at yourself through someone else’s eyes. You might not be a supermodel, but you know who else isn’t? 99.9% of everyone else. And so what? I find plenty of people attractive who aren’t models, and plenty of models are unattractive to me. And honestly that’s the thing, everyone has different opinions on what is or isn’t attractive. You’ll always be your own worse critic, but try to seperate your personal opinions on beauty from the equation. You aren’t unattractive, you just might not be your type. I remember seeing some of your older posts, and like many people said then, you actually do look good. Dysphoria and self-image problems can make that hard to accept, but don’t let your brain convince you that what some jerks might have said to you elsewhere (or what you imagine people think about you) is more true or important than what people are saying to you here.

    Looking at yourself you’ll see every flaw, every detail of yourself that you can criticize or compare with others. But when others look at you, I promise that’s not what they’ll see. They’ll just see you, and the happier and more confident in yourself that you are, the better you’ll look to them. Being yourself and being happy about that will do miles more than anything else to improve how both you and other people see yourself.

    Trying to fight things like this alone can be hard, so if you’re able to do so, I’d recommend trying to speak to a therapist. They’ll be much better at helping articulate things than any random comment online could. If you can’t do that then reach out to the comments offering to talk. I’d always be down to, and while I can’t personally offer much advice in the way of makeup or clothes or stuff like that, I’d be more than happy to just chat or help out with anything I do know about.

    If nothing else though, I hope you can try and look at yourself through an outside perspective. When you see a stranger on the street you won’t scrutinize them for features of their body you dislike, so why should you do that to yourself? All that will do is magnify those thoughts, so try to find the elements of yourself you are happiest with and internalize those feelings instead. They don’t even need to be physical, they could be clothes, skills, personality traits, events, whatever. Try to celebrate anything and everything that makes you happy to be you.