I like and I do use Linux as my main OS. No dual boot BS, just pure Linux
getting hibernate working perfectly in Linux on new hardware is PITA. I’m just happy with suspend working well, let alone hibernation.
Modern standby is the absolute shit of an invention.
This is the ONLY reason I wish I have a Mac. Forget all the memes and jokes about Apple, their laptops suspend very well. IIRC, they also have a hibernation timer built in, so if your laptop automatically hibernates after X hrs. But I dont want to be stuck in their ecosystem, so yeh…
Linux devs are not that keen to make hibernate work well either. Remember systemd dev forcefully removed the “suspend then hibernate” feature? You can still find the thread on Github lol.
try Vivaldi.
funny how with sooooo many updates, Windows are still very vulnerable. You buy a Windows PC, you better equip Antivirus software too; it is like bread and butter. On Linux and also Mac, you never need to worry about these things.
The only robust and no BS lock combo so far, imo, is Regolith i3wm.
For some reasons and whatever black magic eas used, this Frankenstein combo of i3 and GNOME work every single time. The downside is their configs are soooo messy. It is very hard to use whatever you have in vanilla i3 for Regolith.