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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Fairbuds.

    That’s the current best Bluetooth ear buds with user replaceable batteries that can be found at your budget. But they’ll be used.

    Beyond that, check out ifixit for their repairability reviews. But you won’t be paying 150 for anything else, even used. Lowest I’ve seen fairbuds go for is about a hundred, and they were in good shape. Lowest I’ve seen the repairable Sonys reach is about 200, used. And don’t ask about the bang & olufsen set, which is pretty much the best out there overall that’s repairable, though I’d have to look up that model.

    With true wireless buds, you either pay for crap that’s useless when the battery fails (unless you’re seriously skilled with rebuilding such things), or you pay out the nose for stuff you can keep going. What really sucks is that the prices on the better ones that you can’t repair aren’t even lower than the repairable options.

    Having seen people go through high priced buds in a year or two and then the buds essentially die because they won’t hold a charge, there’s no way in hell I’d ever spend more than about thirty on a set that I can’t swap them out without soldering. But you gotta pay up for the ones worth having, or be patient and be willing to buy used. Sometimes you can run across refurbished buds from repairable models as well, and they tend to hit about 3/4 of the original price.

  • Agreed completely.

    We shouldn’t need anything to give love and respect to each other. When a person does have a deity/religion/holy book that specifically preaches compassion, it boggles the mind how that person can just ignore that very basic precept. Like, that’s just basic human decency, it shouldn’t require thought, much less external pressure via religion.

  • I mean, if you accept the judeo-christian concept of a single creator deity that is omnipotent, omniscient, and infallible, then trans people are perfect by default because they could not have been born as they are and not be just as perfect as any other expression of “God’s” infinite power, knowledge, and love.

    See, that’s the thing. God as described by christians is all knowing. So “he” would have known, at the very moment of creation that trans people would eventually have a way to shape their bodies to match their inner self.

    Within the concept of such a god, it could be argued that trans people were intelligently designed to be trans from the very beginning. Adam and Eve were created with the seeds that make trans people possible. God makes no mistakes, ergo, we humans created by such a god can never be mistakes. We are all “his” planned, intended outcome.

    If someone wanted to argue about free will being a factor, and ignore the science that clearly shows that being trans isn’t a choice, but is most assuredly something determined before birth, you still run into god the ineffable. We mere mortals cannot fully understand his plan, his intent. God’s ineffability, his “plan” is used to explain why other aspects of human behavior exist, so why are trans people existing not also a part of that plan.

    Within the concept of the ineffable god, it is assumed that everything is part of his plan, even if that is solely to test us or make us ready for something. So, if one believes that the omnipotent, omniscient, ineffable god is a fact of existence, then one must give their trust and faith that god has gifted us with trans people. It would be wise to assume that god is testing us against the known rules laid out in the christian holy book where the very son of god wants us to love our neighbors.

    When this is the case, we must, therefore, recognize that trans people are here on earth to test us, and to give us the chance to show god that we can love our neighbors. That, by loving and accepting our trans neighbors, we would be acting in accordance with God’s laws, and that it is unchristian to do anything that would prevent trans people from living under the will of God to be exactly who and what God created them to be.

    Anyone claiming to be christian that does not see trans people as a gift from their god to teach them love and acceptance, to test their capability to love all of God’s creation as they love god himself, well, they have failed their god.

    There is nothing more christian than to love and treat trans people with utmost respect.

  • It’s a good messenger service overall. Never had any significant outages, generous file transfer sizes, groups, etc.

    Ignoring any privacy/security debate, it’s really the best message service out there, imo. It does everything you’d want sucha service to do, and you have options for apps to use the service (though the official one is great without doing so).

    It has drawbacks, but so does every messaging service out there. For me, the requirement to use a telephone number is limiting. The encryption being out of standard, and requiring an extra step to use, is another. It isn’t something you want to rely on if you need privacy amd security to be top end, but it’s better that discord by a good bit, and at least it isn’t controlled by Google/alphabet or Facebook/meta.

    If you’re looking into it for the encrypted messaging, look elsewhere since anyone you’d be communicating with that also requires that being at the top of the list is going to already be using something else anyway. Anyone that isn’t into that is already going to be difficult to get on board, so good luck actually using it encrypted.

    But, if you just want a good messenger with decent mass adoption, it’s rock solid. Even my mom uses it a little. So it isn’t only geeks that on it, she’s not exactly fond of extra steps; she’d use sms only if it weren’t for the file transfers and the stickers, which is pretty damn typical of most people lol.