Its just a rebrand of what they already did with bringing back old games the publishers didnt support anymore and updating them for current platforms isnt it?
Its just a rebrand of what they already did with bringing back old games the publishers didnt support anymore and updating them for current platforms isnt it?
Not old, but retro in a way, Playdate is a pretty fun machine to play with and if you want you can end up selling in their catalog (online shop both for browser and console). I have wanted to start doing something for it for the last year (im a game desginer) but i havent coded in like 5 years at this point and work leaves me exhausted to learn new stuff.
Maybe it would be safer in a more known freelancer platform like Fiverr? Im sure there are problems with that one too, but im also sure she will have more protection than in an unknown one.
edit: they even have already a category for video editing
fair enough i guess, i still dont like that websites approach to the matter at the end of the day.
I know, i did read them, it just seems absurd to keep a review up that tells people to buy them, and also at the same time do an article that talks about how those consoles are hurting the retro scene and you shouldnt buy them
i didnt know this website so i decided to have a quick look through their articles:
Thats actually pretty cool, they say they are going to make the the files to build your own extensions open source so i wonder if more complex controllers can be attached, stuff like twin sticks and such for better emulation compatibility, i dont know tho how the specs are for emulation