Ooo looks nice. This might make me want to try CLI mail again. I tried neomutt a long time ago and just couldn’t get it working right, but this looks a lot easier.
Ooo looks nice. This might make me want to try CLI mail again. I tried neomutt a long time ago and just couldn’t get it working right, but this looks a lot easier.
I love open source.
On a related note, open source projects that get big without a reliable leadership organizational structure risk burning down just as easily.
Recently nix, wordpress, and gaggiuino were affected by this kind of thing. Nix seems to be recovering. Wordpress doesn’t look good. Gaggiuino skipped right over source-available and went closed-source.
Linux is a success story with this structure, but I think we need to be better about building projects with stability in mind.
Haha thanks. It’s definitely a lot. It’s really sad that this kind of thing is what is necessary for smooth interoperability.
As long as people keep buying this slop and as long as game studios don’t have strong unions, things will continue to degrade.
I looked into doing this a bit ago. For me, the current solutions just aren’t good enough. Once Plasma Bigscreen and Waydroid Android TV are ready, then I think I’ll take the plunge. For now, my Nvidia Shield 2019 is hard to beat.