So I’ve been barely active on Lemmy for a litany of reasons but I am active elsewhere. Specifically, Bluesky. I run an account that I’ve posted here a couple times called the Starfleet Press Office where I post lil tweets that take place kinda within the Star Trek universe, breaking the fourth wall to an extent. The idea is that the Department of Temporal Investigations owed a favor to the team in charge of the S.P.O so he got a temporal link to Bsky set up. For fun. So random tweets get posted that are commenting on current episodes (A few were made for different Lower Decks episodes as they were posted), other ones about just random events in the universe that I think would be funny (sometimes lining up with holidays, like some Santa teleportation nonsense), and others that take real world events and parody them in the Star Trek universe, like the ferengi CEO of a health insurance conglomerate getting killed.

I’m clearly doing something right because @RealGulDukat, the guy who posts Trump tweets as if Dukat said them, follows only 13 people on Bsky and one of them is me. So whatever nonsense I keep posting I’m just gonna stick with. Drop by and say hi!

Starfleet Press Office / @Starfleet-Command on Bsky

    1 month ago

    I don’t see how the Trill experience is like the trans experience in anything but the most superficial way. Unless we’re saying that a trans person’s new identity is something that was external and has since been imposed and internalized.

    But that doesn’t get it right either. Every trans person I’ve met has rejected their previous identity and adopted a new one, but Trill incorporate their old identity into the new, and form a kind of synthesis.

    The last part I find incongruous is that trans people work so hard to align their physical presentation with their internal experience so that others’ treatment of them reflects their self-perception but Trill defy this. Jadzia Dax presents very strongly as fem but behaves very outwardly as masc. This is a character ultimately designed to satisfy the male gaze and the male desire for a “drinking buddy”; i.e. the “action girl” trope.

      1 month ago

      I am trans. Your take is not accurate. There is literally no way to transition and at the same time, forget/abandon who you are as a person; skills, core values, ethics, hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc, etc. They persist.

      What changes is what a person is “allowed” to like/feel/express.

      1 month ago

      Jadzia Dax presents very strongly as fem but behaves very outwardly as masc.

      But the bit that matters is that characters we’re meant to admire chose to accept Dax as they presented at any given time, without giving them needless crap for it.

      I recall most LGBT characters on TV at the time had to accept a studio mandated minimum quota of jokes at their expense.

      Dax was refreshingly different, in being allowed to present as LGBT and as a heartthrob love interest.

      (And bonus kudos to Garak the Simple Taylor for also being an LGBT heart-throb love interest when that certainly wasn’t allowed by the studios.)

      This is a character ultimately designed to satisfy the male gaze and the male desire for a “drinking buddy”; i.e. the “action girl” trope.

      I mean, yeah. You’re very correct that Dax is about male gaze much more than Trans representation.

      But this sign I had made special for Star Trek applies once again:

      Empathy through horniness still technically counts as progress.
