i miss skinnable steam
Steam should still have grey as a user interface color option.
I remember when it was green.
Waow, not a single porn game in sight
Wasn’t steam green?
This was after the classic green. Steam has basically gone through 3 major redesigns. They usually were part of some bigger product launch.
- Classic green
- Dark gray (coincided with Orange box and launch on Mac OS X)
- “Big Picture” blue (coincided with the launch of SteamOS, Steam Link, Steam Controller, and the failed Steam Machines)
- Basically KDE plasma (coincided with the launch of the Steam Deck)
This is from memory, so I could be off on some of this.
Poker night! Ah man it’s been a long time since I thought about that game
The worst was changing the best controller configuration UI when they retired Old Big Picture. The UX was absolutely perfect and paired with a steam controller you could make fairly complex configs easily. Now I am forced to use the old linux client on linux to keep the UI but cannot enjoy the new compatibility stuff like gamescope.
The best UIs are the ones that never change.