Everyone has one. lets try to recognize and be grateful of what we have!
Eventually I get to die and my suffering will end.
I was lucky to have money to invest at the right time when the markets crashed in 2008 and 2020, when stocks could be had at a 90% discount. As a result I was able to pay off my student loans and put a down payment on my residence with the profits, just by being willing to wait a few years for the market to recover.
My dad died back in 2016 when I was 25 so I got an early inheritance to invest at a good time.
I have thick thighs and a good understanding of Linux :3
I have an IQ of 123 in spacial recognition.
I’m engaged to my best friend, my future in laws are cool as hell, both my parents are alive and well, and my brothers and I get along really well. I’ve also got the cutest little nephew and hearing him laugh always makes my day. I might not make a ton of money, but I’ve got a damn good family and couldn’t be more thankful for them
I am helping many needy peoples.
Absolute, fanatical concentration.
I can walk.
Wicked smaht. And generally good genes - no family illnesses or anything.
When I was in grade school we had a self-directed math program called Individually Prescribed Instruction or IPI. In the program you would take a pre-test and based on the results do a set of exercises. Then you took a post-test to close out that section. What I realized is that since the exercises are self directed we had unsupervised access to the exercises and the solutions. When given the pre-tests I would look up examples in the exercises with the solutions to figure out how to do the questions. I then proceeded to speed run the whole IPI curriculum. This gave me a leg up in math. I proceeded to get a 100% on my Algebra regents and just generally crush it in math. Ended up getting a uni degree in math and physics. This opened many doors for me later in life.
Things I didn’t choose or earn? Taller than the average woman in my country. Both parents were smart as hell, university professors. Dad who thought women had every right and ability to do any job they wanted, we weren’t raised differently based on sex.
yeah, something innately like that. people need to recognize it to be able to use it fully.
White, male privilege and loving parents that supported me in all ways when needed. Seriously, life has been almost on peaceful mode, definitely easy mode.
I still have one working hand, and I can walk.
I seem to be pretty good at English, which is definitely a leg up on billions of people.
I’m actively protected, respected, and cared for by my insular community.
I’m skilled with a microphone and can make whole audiences cackle.
These advantages are enough that I needed to be nerfed in some incredibly heinous ways, and yet I still have such an advantage that I’m usually first- or second-ban in the draft.
Hahaha I like this one.
I seem to be pretty good at English, which is definitely a leg up on billions of people.
not to be snarky, but i wonder how much of an advantage this is, is it the world’s default language? should it serve that purpose?
It’s the default language for international business, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that flips to Mandarin in twenty years, the way things in general are going.
But I’m not gonna lie, I wish I cool read ich_iel and get the humor so bad.