Don’t force me to deal with your shiny language of the day,
WE HavE LegItImaTe COnCeRNs
Exact same shit as last time, some cranky old dude with the territorial instinct of a bulldog sabotages anything to do with rust under a very thin layer of so-called technical concerns, yet refuses to partake in constructive discussion. Like, literally, the changeset is just bindings in
? What even is there to complain about regarding maintainability ofkernel/dma
, given that as far as I can tell the rust devs will deal with any future incompatibilities?Very shameful for the kernel community that this kind of aggressive sabotage is regular and seemingly accepted. The incessant toxicity is not a good look and very discouraging to anyone thinking of contributing.
A C/C++ dev acting this way‽ Well I am shocked, SHOCKED!
And they wonder why the rest of the world wants to avoid and run away from that language and culture.
He might even have legitimate concerns, but this response is just so unconstructive. It’s solely aimed at slighting other programmers.
About time they retired C. Oh, that’s not what happened?
“Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches,” Ballmer said, back before Linux had metastasized into the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Nice writing.
Brain read it as “linked to” and still said, “Yup, that tracks.”
Hellwig has some excellent points and people are up in arms solely because he’s not giving the green light for the shiny new toy.
Keep the wrappers in your code instead of making life painful for others
This is a perfectly valid approach, anyone claiming he’s resistant for no reason has never tried maintaining a multi language code base.
If you want to use something that’s not C, be that assembly or Rust, you write to C interfaces and deal with the impedance mismatch yourself as far as I’m concerned.
Again an entirely reasonable approach. There is precedence for this approach in the kernel/dma and I see no reason to change this now, unless a full kernel/dma rewrite to Rust were to occur.