There seems to be a similar general demographic of late 30’s to early 40’s users here… (could easily be my confirmation bias saying that). I was around for Napster, GeoCities, MySpace, Yahoo, Mama, AoL, AiM, and if you are ~40yo, you likely were in this same wave of broad scale adoption of the internet by average Joe jr public in the latest 90’s and early naughties. We are the first group where digital life is the rule, not the exception(s) and early adopters; the first gen of internet grandparents… How does that legacy play out. /r
Uh oh! Don’t forget ICQ!
Related note: Remember how all dads (ok not all, but a lot) knew how to fix a car? Now dads are in charge of fixing the computer/WiFi.
My notification is still the ICQ UhOh sound. Drives my wife up the wall.
Ditto, my daughter thinks its great.
My notification sound is ICQ UhOh too! Damn I loved ICQ…way better than MSN …I was so sad when everyone stopped using ICQ to use MSN
Yeah AIM for me but I did them all with pigeon
Trillian FTW
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Cars are way more complicated. Maintenance is somewhat the same for things like brakes and oil, but taking down a check engine i light trigger is worse than wifi. No scanning for a code doesn’t tell you what broke. It tells you what isn’t reporting right. Diagnoses is up to you.
That being said, cars are way more reliable in general. We don’t need to fix them nearly as often. Unless you’re me and keep buying 90s shitboxes to save money.
Just like our grandparents, check engine light can turn on if you cut the wire…