or be boring and alias sl=ls
I prefer “the fuck” https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck
Yeah, that’s going to be installed tomorrow.
I thought this was going to be about “the fuck”
The fuck is awesome.
So I installed this way back in the day on my prod corporate VMs. I was still green, and any prod issues would shake me so much, it was too stressful.
I taught myself to relax when the locomotive pops up, take a few deep breaths and go on.
It was super effective. I learned to not get so flustered, and stopped messing commands due to adrenaline. I no longer install it anywhere, but it still puts a smile and a wave of nostalgia when I see or hear about it.
Such a small thing, yet it helped me grow so much.
sl | lolcat
don’t forget to install gti
steam locomotive
rolling down the track
I would get slightly amused every time I typed “lust” instead of “list” as a kid in applesoft basic.
…now the question is do we want to implement a command for that
alias l="ls"
, I’m immune to this problemOr
ll='ls -laFh'
to have it just how I like it
im currently baking this into our hpc. people gotta see the train!
I love how knowledge shedding makes this a cyclical discovery.
This is exactly the type of thing I love.
Does anyone know the “prank” repo that would delete Linux system (or Windows) when an wrong typo ran?
Lately for me it’s been “ks”