I’ve recently (finally) taken the leap into self-hosting my RSS reader, and I’m wondering what feeds everyone’s subscribed to
I’ve currently got some basics like Github releases for software I use, the great selfh.st blog for self-hosted news, hackaday, some essentials like xkcd, and an attempt at following new music releases from artists I like, but I’m sure there are other great feeds out there that I should also be aware of
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/26356680
selfh.st is popular
Hi! Here some feeds I follow, about Linux, tech, Windows, Apple & FOSS:
- https://itsfoss.com/feed/
- https://www.tecmint.com/feed/
- https://tecadmin.net/feed/
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/atom/atom.xml
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/Command-line-fu
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/ServeTheHome
- https://www.fosslife.org/rss.xml
- https://feeds.feedburner.com/TheHackersNews
- https://rss.app/feeds/W5lrf9Gjbp3WEgYr.xml
- https://www.ghacks.net/feed/
- https://realpython.com/atom.xml
- https://nextcloud.com/feed
- https://www.debugpoint.com/rss
- https://www.linuxjournal.com/node/feed
- https://osxdaily.com/feed/
- https://4sysops.com/feed/
- https://opensource.com/feed
- https://jellyfin.org/index.xml
- https://wallabag.org/feed.xml
- https://linuxtldr.com/feed
- https://www.linuxuprising.com/feeds/posts/default
- https://www.linux.com/feed/
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxtoday/linux
- https://techdirectarchive.com/rss
- https://activedirectorypro.com/blog/feed/
- https://adamtheautomator.com/rss/
- https://www.pcwdld.com/feed
- https://rdr-it.com/en/feed/
- http://www.slipstick.com/feed
- https://supertechman.com.au/feed
- https://thesysadminchannel.com/feed/
- http://woshub.com/feed/
- https://www.pcwdld.com/tutorials/feed
- https://www.thelazyadministrator.com/feed/
- https://supertechman.com.au/feed
-< FErArg >-
I saved the post because I’ve always been interested in aggregating a RSS feed, but I need ideas for what to subscribe to. Thanks for making the post
Here are some interesting feeds I follow, mostly tech-focused and quite Rust heavy:
- Alexis King’s Blog
- Blog on Asahi Linux
- brson
- dystroy
- ecton
- fasterthanli.me
- Faultlore
- Graphite - Blog
- Ink & Switch
- Jade’s Website
- Lord.io
- Mara’s Blog
- matklad
- Raph Levien’s blog
- Tulir Asokan
- Xe Iaso’s blog
Generated by opening an OPML export in firefox, running the following script and deleting a bunch of feeds:
"- " + [...document.querySelectorAll("body > outline > outline")].map((f) => `[${f.getAttribute("text")}](${f.getAttribute("htmlUrl")}) \`${f.getAttribute("xmlUrl")}\``).join("\n- ")
- Alexis King’s Blog
Some feeds I follow
- Adventures in Linux and KDE: https://pointieststick.com/feed/
- F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/feed.xml
- GamingOnLinux: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php
- Project Zomboid: https://projectzomboid.com/blog/feed/
- This Week in KDE Apps https://blogs.kde.org/categories/this-week-in-kde-apps/index.xml
- This Week in Plasma: https://blogs.kde.org/categories/this-week-in-plasma/index.xml
in addition to some feeds already posted by others:
Dozens… yt channels, tech blogs, changelogs, etc
Ctrl Alt Speech: a podcast by TechDirt’s Mike Masnick (who coined the term “Streisand Effect”) about online speech and content regulation, and how it’s not at all a simple nor straightforward task.
Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2315966.rss
Soatok’s Dhole Moments: a blog on cryptography and computer security, with in-depth algorithm discussions interspersed with entertaining furry art. SFW. Also find Soatok on Mastodon.
Feed: https://soatok.blog/feed/
Molly White’s Citation Needed newsletter: critiques of cryptocurrency, regulations, policies, and news. Available as a podcast too. Also find Molly White on Mastodon. She also has a site dedicated to cryptocurrency disasters.
A question for the ages: why are there so many young cybersecurity furries?
Does the field attract furries, or does it create them?
mostly youtube channels and online webcomics (xkcd my beloved), although there is the occassional podcast (none of which I have listened to)
Nothing burger list
https://mattlakeman.org/ https://globalchinapulse.net/ https://sinocism.com/ https://ciechanow.ski/ https://www.blog.jonathannolan.net/ https://freefincal.com/ https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/ARbTQlRLRjE/matthew-s-levine https://aeon.co/ https://www.experimental-history.com/ https://www.gurwinder.blog/ https://kagifeedback.org/ https://nate.mecca1.net/ https://charleshughsmith.substack.com/ https://chipsandcheese.com/ https://github.com/francisrstokes/githublog https://jerf.org/iri/ https://restofworld.org/ https://scottaaronson.blog/ https://signal.org/blog/
Isn’t this like saying “What phone numbers do you have in your address book?”
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