AI autoresponders are developing into artificial personas that interact with the world on our behalf, which we won’t even pay attention to until the police show up because one of them threatened to assassinate the president or something, and we’ll say, “That wasn’t me,” and they’ll be like yuh-huh it was.
There are some things it would be nice to have a brain in a jar to do for me.
I do not, however, want that jar sitting in an Amazon-owned server room somewhere, where they can modify the jar to change how the brain works.
Take back your brain-in-a-jars from big tech! /j
It will be interesting tracing accountability when AI does something less than legal while trying to implement a legal command.
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can’t do my job.
Why Signal is not in f-droid? Is there a statement from them about it? What I know is only in Google store . And talking to much about privacy and not being in a f-droid repo, is ironic
actually, years ago there was a long drawn out drama about people in Signal’s team refusing to publish on F-Droid because of “security concerns” in Moxie’s time. IIRC they worked to take down builds on the main repo
you can probably still find the old github threads with the lenghty discussions
I didn’t know, Thanks for the info . Well nowadays f-droid is a standard for privacy . They should reconsider
It’s available on F-droid through the Guardian Project repo.
Yes that’s correct, is listed in guardian project but with big red flags anti-featires, heavy thetered services with Google
since when? that’s good news to me!
the alternatives seem to be Molly on the main repo and Signal-FOSS on TwinHelix’s
Showed up maybe a month ago?
I’ve just seen it. I suppose Signal-FOSS has the same signature, since I can choose between the two repos on its F-Droid panel
Oh my god I haven’t seen Guy in years! He’s such a wonderful guy (heh). I think our last interaction was on Google’s G+. 😳
EDIT: Wow, that was a good panel.
He has a podcast, seems pretty good.
subscribed. thanks!