All humans are actually mocking humans because they choose to stand or walk when they could be sprinting.
So birds do this thing where they swoop in front of a car and catch the windstream around it and it feels pretty mocking. Well anyway, I was out on my bike once and this bird-looking fucker flew up alongside me, right? He goes to swoop in front of me and you can just see them fall about an inch before flapping off. They thought I was a car! Whose the real mocker now? Probably the bird- I still can’t fly!
I love birds so much I often check the local crows and pigeons and a few other species. But pigeons are defenitely not the sharpest. They can be tamed though.
Pigeons are so lovable. People bat them away and kick at them and yet they never seem to take offense, in fact they come right back like nothing happened. I wish I had that kind of patience and fortitude.