This is what happens when you feel ownership over a community.
He thinks “I built this community” and to an extent he’s correct, but as with the nature of communities, it doesn’t matter if he helped build it, the community is by definition made up of the people of the community… not just the guy who spearheaded things way back in the day. Especially something like an open source project, if he wanted this level of control he should have kept it closed source.
If you think you own your community, you’re in for a bad time.
“But I’m just a narcissist, I’m what matters here. You must worship me, why don’t you? I’ll cut off your legs.”
He’s actually cutting off his own legs and soon he’ll be dancing on pegs.
He dances for nickels
When you want to build a cult of personality and accidentally build a flourishing diverse community lol
They weren’t even planning to create a fork.
Matt said his company was going to all but stop contributing to WordPress for now out of spite against WPEngine
These people said “OK we’ll take responsibility for the next release within the current WordPress organization framework so that work can continue”
Matt said nuh-nuh, no you aren’t
Basically Matt interpreted their “we’re going to take over work within Wordpress since Matt abandoned it” as “we’re taking over Wordpress from Matt” and is telling them through some tortured rhetoric “you aren’t Wordpress, I’m Wordpress, you go do it in a fork instead”
remember when matt publically attacked a trans woman on twitter because she called him out about his transphobia
I do not, source?
Not that I don’t believe you, but if we’re gonna hate on this guy even more, we should make sure it’s for facts.
Yeah fuck that guy.
Hopefully he explodes with hammers and hammers go flying everywhere
So, someone else forks it and then the contributors just fork that one. This is dumb gate keeping when there are other gates readily available nearby.
Pretty sure no one told this guy how FOSS is supposed to work or what licensing even means.
Best case scenario here he’s basically asking for is that the open source community forks this to a new project, stops contributing at all to the official one and since he’s announced he will literally have one developer work on this (45hrs per week, down from 4000 supposedly), the new fork becomes the defacto standard and his company is left peddling old wares full of bugs and exploits no one wants.
That’s not how open source is sposto work…
Sounds like a spoiled child
Trump’s disease is spreading.
I think he misunderstands the label/title “benevolent dictator for life” that can get assigned to people on some really popular open source projects.
Honestly, it’s kind of heartening how infrequently they forget the benevolent part.
Can someone remove this asshole?
It’s more likely that a fork becomes dominant, making him irrelevant. That’s almost the same thing.
That’s better, because he would have to live his life knowing he completely fucked himself.
Do you think he has enough self-awareness?
Hell no. Can’t wait to hear about his new Wordpress cryptocurrency launching soon
Well, other people would know that. He himself would know that it was “those people” that fucked him over, and not he himself.
Please don’t, this is the best entertainment I’ve had in months!
My dislike of Wordpress is being validated every day
Why are you hating on WordPress ?
See the article
But why WordPress itself
Bad impression of their development environment and business practices
just filing this away…
… t… u… v… w… x… woops. back up.
there we go.
right before xfree86 in the file of forgotten projects that fucked-up big, and lost.
I’m about to look this up, I better not be disappointed with how they bombed their own project …
Edit: that did not disappoint
100% switching to whatever the fork ends up being.
I don’t get the logic of cutting off contributions of any kind unless they were actively sabotaging the projector something. Seems like that just makes the fork basically a guarantee. And in open source, a fork that discourages community is always going to be at a disadvantage.
As if people didn’t Clone Wordpress already, let’s call it BlogPrint
I can’t access the link. who is he?
The original creator of Wordpress and the owner of a Wordpress hosting site. He’s been having a meltdown for months because Wordpress is being used by WP Engine, a for-profit competitor hosting company, in compliance with the license. Since then, he has:
- Changed the trademark license and retroactively sued WP Engine,
- Disparaged WP Engine every time he had the chance,
- Added a potentially legally binding checkbox to where the user must declare their disassociation with WP Engine (which also locked out actual employees),
- Forcibly taken control of several community-made plugins,
- Acted like
an absolute fucking buffoonthe innocent little lamb who’s been set upon by the wolves.
The sad thing is that at the beginning he had a little tiny bit of justification for not liking what WP Engine was doing.
What WP Engine was doing was completely legal. They were completely following the requirements of the WordPress license. But, it was true that they could have done more to benefit the WordPress community. Instead, they were building a huge, quarter-billion dollar business based on WordPress without either helping pay for its development or contributing meaningful code themselves.
A competent project leader could have used the goodwill they’d amassed over decades to mount a subtle pressure campaign to get WP Engine to do more. But, instead, his approach has somehow made a private equity backed for-profit company to almost appear to be the “good guy” in this fight.
He’s a co-creator of WordPress and (my opinion) a total knob.
With what I have now seen about him, I would be quite inclined to agree.