Instead of a “renaissance man”, I’m a “renaissance nerd”. Pinball? Sure. Sci-fi? Of course. video games? Natch. 70’s Italian Prog-rock? A raison d’etre.
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023
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It gets better, but I’ve never gone back and reread it. The ending, IIRC is goofy too.
Honestly, I love his writing, but the books of his I’ve finished are Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, Diamond Age, Zodiac, and ReamDe. The others I’ve either struggled to get into (Seveneves because the first chapter is so damn down) or just never started.
Honestly, ReamDe and Cryptonomicon are IMHO his most readable, maybe because they’re sent in the current time. Though I loved Snow Crash.
It gets better, but I’ve never gone back and reread it. The ending, IIRC is goofy too.
Honestly, I love his writing, but the books of his I’ve finished are Cryptonomicon, Snow Crash, Diamond Age, Zodiac, and ReamDe. The others I’ve either struggled to get into (Seveneves because the first chapter is so damn down) or just never started.
Honestly, ReamDe and Cryptonomicon are IMHO his most readable, maybe because they’re sent in the current time. Though I loved Snow Crash.