I would be happy if they never touched wayer again. Swimming and boating were awful in The Witcher series.
I would be happy if they never touched wayer again. Swimming and boating were awful in The Witcher series.
I think you’re nitpicking to avoid the obvious conclusion that he is racist and he sucks.
His racism is a good place to start.
What moderating effect do you think he has?
He’s genuinely a shitty guy. The fact that worse people exist doesn’t make him more acceptable.
Have you been paying attention to this conversation? Maybe go back and reread before replying to me. You might find yourself thinking differently when you see my comments and the replies that I got from the start
His overt racism and sexism are a problem as are his anti-social norms regarding hygiene/sanitation etc
When Im talking to an obvious teenaged boy it’s safer to talk in terms they understand. A 15 year old might get why Asmongold isunfuckable but they might not understand why adults would hold him in disdain regardless of what he does.
His personality and hygiene are what makes him unfuckable.
And based on your responses here, why shouldn’t I continue thinking you’re a boy?
I think his larger message is his harm. I think his attitude is problematic as is his hygiene.
It’s the book Dan Brown was “inspired” by.
So then what was the point of your initial comment? I said no one should model themselves after him. You replied that that was a harsh statement, but if you don’t think anyone should aspire to be like someone else what is the problem?
You REALLY need remedial preliminary education if you believe that.
It’s not what he says rather it is who he is and presents himself as.
No one should aspire to be a troll that is as uniquely unfuckable as him.
Why would you be a nazi? I suspect you are a cnfused child if you think Asmingold is an aspirational figure.
Asmongold is the kind of guy who is unfuckable despite having money. Why would you want to be that guy?
Shane has intense yuck vibes if you meet him IRL
He’s pretty clearly a shitty person that no one should model themselves after.
Freedom of speech isn’t a fundamental right. If you doubt this try publicly and clearly threatening people with the intent to harm. You will be prosecuted for that action.
You should avoid using words you almost cettainly do not understand which in this case is “fascist”.
Wine, Ihave been studying it for years