Just wait until OP learns about us taking horse paste during covid
Just wait until OP learns about us taking horse paste during covid
Those lights are bolted in, there’s no adhesive. There’s probably a seal but that’s to keep water from getting into the tailgate.
It’s not on them. They don’t pay to fix your wreck, it’s the other way around. It’s part of the wreck that wasn’t noticed when it was being fixed. It happens, and it can’t be helped unless they park it outside and let it rain and then check it and nobody does that.
If insurance paid for the wreck, get with the insurance company to pay for a new one. If you paid for the wreck, you could have paid for it when it was fixed but it wasn’t noticed so you pay for it now.
I’ve been saying it for years, the only good Christmas song is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.
Almost everyone using Linux installed it. Almost no one using Windows installed it.
War Through the Ages by Lynn Montross
It basically tells you about every war ever, at least every one worth talking about. It was written in 1944 and revised in 1960 so I’m sure some of the information might be outdated but it’s still great.
12 Byzantine Rulers by Lars Brownworth
This is actually a series of audios that you can download for free. This is almost a history of the Byzantine Empire from beginning to end, but summarizes what was happening during the reign of less influential rulers and focuses on the reign of the 12 most influential. He’s also written books about the Byzantine Empire and other subjects that I’ve somehow never read.