I just wasn’t anxious enough already
I just wasn’t anxious enough already
Width. Most shoes are too narrow and pointy
My computer is old and slow so loading teams is like elder abuse
Carrots. Plain carrots. It helps that I’m too lazy to get anything to dip them in. They are just so convenient.
A group of humans need to pass through a doorway with two doors. The leading human opens one of the doors and passes through the doorway. The next human follows them through the open doorway, and so does the next, and the one after them. The humans bunch up around the one open door, funneling themselves through it rather than opening the other door right beside it.
Then I, the smartest and best of humans, make use of my divine and otherworldly gifts to open the other door that was right there the WHOLE TIME. Truly I am a gift upon the world. Someone should give me chocolates.
I do this when it’s hot because the floor is cool and it makes me cooler by association