I’ve a massive blob like this one time when the nozzle got clogged and the extruder created enough pressure to push the filament through the threads of the hotend block. It was on an Anet A8 and I ripped a lead off the thermistor trying to get the plastic off so I ended up replacing the entire hotend.
You can try to heat up the hotend to a fair bit under the melting point of the filament to where it’s soft and somewhat pliable but not runny or sticky and then trying to peel it off. Though you’d risk damaging any leads to the thermistor, heater, or your hands if you’re not careful.
Good luck on fixing the printer and getting back to printing again. 3D printing is a really time consuming hobby
Can’t wait for AMD to price their top of the line GPU at $1500 and call it a good deal. I hope Intel can keep some sane pricing