And yes, you have heard this story before. But this one is just for the ladies.
They need a “bag totally full of drugs” that contained assorted baking ingredients. One bag is too obvious, you need decoy bag. /s
I actually snuck drugs through an airport once. The trick is to put it in a used tampon shell, in a ziplock full of used tampons.
What a normal thing to carry around
The trick is to put it in a prescription bottle
We were tripping balls in college and playing with flour filled balloons. I guess jumping rooftop-to-rooftop got the cops called.
Cops made us turn out our pockets and found my buddy with his flour balloon, about creamed himself.
“What’s this?! HUH?!?”
Spitting in his face: “It’s FLOUR you fucking PIG!”
Off to jail.
They let the rest of us go, laughing about the drug lab making gravy with that guy’s “heroin”.
she looks just bout as sad as a pile of angry rain frogs
Drugs are a helluva drug.
To be fair that would fool most cops I’ve ran into.
It was worth a try though.
Should have put “definitely a bag full of drugs” on it and then the cops would think she was just being sarcastic and not search it.
Could still be technically correct if the bag wasn’t literally ✨full✨, but maybe filled like 2/3 or something.
I would have gotten away with it to, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids!
I have a hard time believing anything a cop says anymore ever.