I just saw the top two thirds, and had to scroll to see the punchline and the comm - what a pleasant surprise! For me, it’s the 3DO but that’s to niche for most.
I’ve got my old NES, SNES, Genesis and 2600 and associates games in a box in the garage somewhere. I should find out if they work, but (1) I don’t have anything I can connect the 2600 to and (2) I don’t have a TV with RCAs anymore so that rules out the other 3 too. fuuuuuuck. thank goodness for emulation.
These looked completely different in Europe.
I’m ashamed, I thought it was an Atari Jaguar at first and then I saw the Sega logo.
Jokes on yall, I have one in my home hooked up. Got it for my 40th birthday from my son. And I love it.
Is that Cereal Experiments Lonnie?
I thought this was going to be a Saddam meme again
Talk? My niece (13y) and I played last weekend. Still rocking the mega drive here.
Amazing! Teaching her the old ways.
I just bought an emulator with 2 wireless controllers and 45000 games from various consoles between 1978 and 2008. Loving the megadrive section - Splatterhouse, Strider, NHL Ice Hockey 94, Micro Machines, ECCO, to name a few. Well worth 50 quid.
This sounds great, what did you go for?
This bad boy (UK) I’ve got my money’s worth just scrolling (for the past 4 hours!)
I also would like the answer to this question.
It was almost an arcade machine inside. Try Chakan, James Pond, all the Sonics, Kid Chameleon, Road Rash, Desert Strike, and Sparkster (way better than the SNes version), Aladdin (same, better than the SNes), and Toe Jam and Earl 2, to name a few.
What the heck is that
That’s a Sega Genesis. Now excuse me, I have to take my back pill.
Hey? Yell into my ear horn laddy
Thanks grandpa, now let’s get you back to bed
Sega Mega Drive
Shouldn’t you be paying attention in class right now?
I’m almost 30 but thank you