Propaganda of the Deed has long been discredited. As in no, the stereotypical bomb throwing anarchist that mass media wishes to sell DOES. NOT. WORK. At best you end up with the political figure merely replaced and business moves on with the attacker vilified, or at worst the now deceased has become a martyr and support is generated.
As that is trying to force a systemic change through one giant act on a population that won’t know what to do with the opening.
It is far better to work within local communities to educate and help build support networks of aid and reliance on eachother rather than systems that can punitively be taken away. That way if an opening presents itself through the course of events, you have a population that will know roughly how to make the best of a situation.
The death of the united Healthcare CEO is interesting inthat all attempts at media whitewashing and lionization have fallen on deaf ears.
Luigi taught us how to do propaganda of the deed right:
no civilian casualties
target social mass murderer
that nobody likes
A big part of the original propaganda of the deed was just that. Killing royals in Europe to show that power of the monarchies is limited
Violence is justified to defend oneself or one’s allies from violent aggression, and that’s it.
How do you define “violent aggression” then?
If someone poisons the air you breathe or the water you drink, is that violent aggression? Because there’s a long history of corporations knowingly doing just that to communities they believed were powerless to stop them.
If officers under the color of law routinely harass members of your community, openly admitting that they can choose who they want to stop under perfectly legal pretextual stops and then find a reason to beat or intimidate you, is that violent aggression?
Violent aggression can take many forms. What does violent aggression look like? If I buy the company that employs the people in your town and then fire everyone and move it overseas so I can make more money, that’s aggressive certainly, it will cause suffering, is it violent? Is violence just physical force? If I put a sheriff between me and the violence, if I use economic means but then enforce them at the barrel of someone else’s gun, am I being violent or are they?
Violence up close is easy to define, but how many layers of indirection do we need for violent acts to become ok. Politics is all about choices and a lot of choices end up harming a great number of people. We are living through and will continue experiencing natural disasters super charged by climate change. Communities flooded and burned down and destroyed by hurricane force wind, all because a few people would like to have more money and convinced some politicians that it was ok. Is that violence?
Sure if I said I was going to burn your house down that’s violent, but if I aggressively pursue bribing (sorry, lobbying) politicians so that they will support policies that my own scientists tell me will result in your house burning down, is that still violence?
That’s the real question people struggle with.
Social violence is still violence. The ruling class tries its best to blur the lines and make it seem okay because it’s legal. But in many cases social violence is even more deadly than regular violence. Most people understand that, which is why the ruling class needs a strong police state in order to feel safe.
Nice try mr FBI.
FBI and CIA are both busy gong through their own version of Squid Games thanks to the current regime wanting to get rid of anyone who’s investigated them in the past.
Our legal justice system, checks and balances, nonviolent protests, etc… have all completely failed.
Violence is all that’s left.
There are several other things left. The issue is a lot of people think harder not smarter.
Once you have significant support against a regime you can over throw them. I’m talking like 70-80% of the country want then out.
Violence when your ideology doesnt have majority control hurts your cause and gives your opposition major propaganda.
Martin Luther King only succeeded because of Malcom X.
All liberty is guarded by four boxes. The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. They are in order.
Political violence is largely a terrible idea that results in continued suffering or retribution. People online flock to it as a remedy and often aren’t fully aware of the structure of their local government. The best means of change are by convincing locals of a better alternative that is amiable to all parties. Online activism has a broader net but ultimately reaches less people in positions likely to be able to remedy local matters. Carrot beats stick.
Violence tends to be a double edged sword. Whether or not things get better as the result of an outbreak of violence is hit and miss. A lot of authoritarian regimes in history just get replaced with new authoritarian regimes that have a better PR team and create a leniency period before cranking back the progress once people figure everything has been fixed. Long term it’s not great prospects. Anarchist activities tends to create this sort of thing. It creates a power vacuum to which the first one to break the faith and assemble a new loyal hierarchy while murmuring a smokescreen of empty hymns of the old cause is rewarded by becoming the new tyrant. Oftentimes there is a promise of whatever state of oppression being a transitory period. You aren’t supposed to notice that the transitory period after which they say that they will surrender their stranglehold to the rightful inheritance of the people never comes to fruition and instead just becomes a new dynasty of effective monarchs living it up.
But other times it’s just another tool in the box of movements that are fighting against occupation. It usually helps if there’s a peaceful arm of the movement who will get most or all of the credit after the fact whom can hold the dialogue space. Every Civil rights fight that had a non-violent movement leader also had “unrelated” people in the field under a different banner solving some problems with violence. Black Panthers, Butterfly Brigade, bomb weilding suicide suffragettes, indigenous anti colonial movements… These are part of the landscape and the actions they took were given space to be picked over by contemporaries because provocative acts lend punch to rhetoric. If you have no legitimate means to solve the violence done to you other than violence then the problem still needs solving so violence it is. What is effective in this model is collective directed action with planned objectives to fit into existing systems or that come with fully drawn up replacements for old systems. Not as sexy as anarchy but the wins are on the whole more stable and enduring. If you want a democracy then your problem solve should at least should have a true core of people whose ultimate intention is to operate democratically. Violence has a seat at that table too but weilding it justly is a commitment.
No, if you use violence you don’t fix anything, you jus taking the pendulum to your side so it’s you and your friends abusing power, instead of the others.
Rule of thumb when it comes to combating conflict is to be as minimalist as possible. There have been conquests in history that occurred without a single drop of blood shed, surely that’s not beyond modern rebels. The first people to go extreme lengths come off as needy, if you know what I mean.
True, but it’s not something you should completely shy away from, either.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick” isn’t just advice for international diplomacy.
“Political violence” is a broad term; it can cover anything from throwing rocks at cops to assassinations and bombings.
Generally speaking, it’s counterproductive. Look at the Russian revolution. Instead of spreading out to engulf Europe, the Revolution caused dozens of Fascist states to come to power. People in 1932 were much more frightened of Stalin then they were of Hitler.
Political violence can only create a violent new regime. If you want peace, you have to fight peacefully. Yes it’s harder, but it’s the only way. But peaceful doesn’t mean passive (or law abiding)!
Peace doesn’t do shit against literal Nazis. It only enables them to oppress their enemies without opposition.
OP didn’t speak about Nazis. It was a general question, with a general answer, of course there are exceptions.
t new regime. If you want peace, you have to fight peacefully. Yes it’s harder, but it’s the only way. But peaceful doesn’t mean passive (or law abiding)!
Oh sometimes, violence works to build peaceful gouvernments after. In Romania political violence created a functioning democracy. Dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu was executed by the revolutionaries after a 30 minute farce of a trial, but the country is now a democracy for more than 35 years.