Because you’re more grounded.
Maybe is just the thrill of doing something out of regular.
Sounds like neurodivergent stuff
Floors are cold and firm
When I’m all in a hot sweat sometimes I don’t wanna be surrounded by blankets and pillows
I’ve spent a lot of time grateful for a cold floor
F L O O R T I M E. Not sure if that clears anything up.
Feels good on the back.
But only for a little while. Then it hurts the back
This kills the back.
I never found either to be entertaining.
Usually when I lay down it’s because I’m tired and want to rest, not because I think laying is some how entertaining.
I do this when it’s hot because the floor is cool and it makes me cooler by association
me, who never cleans my floor: it would not be
Maybe not enjoyable, but still entertaining.
I don’t know that I’m ready to accept your premise. But I like lying on the floor watching TV, etc. because it feels nice on my back.
I don’t know that it is. I suppose it would depend on which part of the floor you’re talking about?
Like, lying in the middle of a kitchen floor, for example.
Is laying in the middle of a kitchen floor really entertaining though? It’s certainly unexpected I guess but it’s not blowing my mind or anything
Because the bed isn’t lava.
I prefer being on the lying on the floor than on a bed, but entertaining? Mmh