As far as phones go, the Razor Phone 2. It hurts to hold for too long.
My label printer. Horrible UI. How do I switch to capital letters? How to numbers? It can print two small lines instead of one, but how? It also has bold, italics, underline, but getting there is a game of trial and error.
And the display is not WYSIWYG, but just five or eight characters. You never know what you will get when hit the print button. And you cannot save labels you successfully designed - it just remembers the one in the system when you switched it off.
Any phone larger than my 2016 iphone SE. I have a fairphone and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a phone but it’s SO BIG. It has a one handed mode, but that turns itself off whenever you tap the back button, which is so annoying it’s making me aggressive. I used to lie in bed, chilling, looking at memes with one hand while the other arm was cosily under the blanket. That’s a thing of the past. I also can’t rest the hand I have chronic pain in because I always need to use both hands to not keep dropping my phone and reach all of the screen.
I’m the opposite as my hands are big af
It’d be nice to have variety to choose from so you can suit your needs. But I guess fulfilling everyone’s needs isn’t profitable.
I dread when people ask me to help them with their phone because they’re usually tiny as hell 🤣
I’m left handed. What’s the character limit around here, 'cause I have much to add.
Did you love those college desks? Lmao when I was in college ironically they only had left handed ones. If only we had full desks that were for whichever.
Maybe I’m lucky, but at the community college I attend I have never had to sit at a desk. Only tables. As a left handed person, I am pretty happy about that, even though I have not had to write much because computers/laptops.
Windows on my family members’ devices.
I’ve been in Linux land for so long now that I’ve forgotten windows’ idiosyncrasies… rather they’ve changed since XP.
Everything is hidden/obscured/cryptic. Just recently I needed to my account on my child’s laptop, no way on the login screen to do that. Just their account visible. Turns out that is a feature and requires three different registry settings to disable according to MS’s appalling community support.
Probably a forklift, those things are heavy af.
Off the top of my head a Fuji FinePix S5700 I had borrowed from a friend for some time (that was more than 10 years ago). That thing was doing continuous focus while on and idle, and it would lock focus when you half-press the shutter button - so completely backwards to what you’d normally expect from a camera.
A continuous passive motion machine.
I had arthroscopic hip surgery to repair a cartilage tear and shave down some bone overgrowth. For 3 weeks after surgery, I had to put my leg in this machine for an hour four times a day. It slowly bends and straightens your leg, which is supposed to help stave off scar tissue formation inside the hip. And it was rough. I needed my husband’s help to get strapped into the thing, I could never find a comfortable way to position my leg, the thing was noisy as hell so I couldn’t nap while I was using it, and I was lying flat on my back so it was hard to read a book or watch a show without hurting my neck. It sucked and I was so glad when I was cleared to stop using it.
A carpet cleaner. I had to prepare a previous apartment for showing (it’s a long story) & there was quite a bit of dust on the carpet
Could just be I’m stupid, but I was not prepared for how involved such a machine is… to be fair it is meant for professional use, so I was probably just not properly trained for it
A single-furrow plow that was built so that it had to be pulled by a horse.
We didn’t have a horse (it was about 50 years too late for that), but we did have a small tractor, and somehow hitched the thing to it. My father drove the tractor. And then I had to guide that plow with a very firm hand. We needed it to dig a drainage ditch on the already flooded plot. It was the only way to do that. Any other machines would have been too heavy on that wet ground. After a day of hard work with the feet deep in the water, it was done.
Any smart TV. Please just let me have a TV without having to navigate spyware or the sluggish UIs.
I truly don’t understand how to use an apple computer. It’s terrible to use.
Designed by a stupid hippy that died to a somewhat survivable cancer because he was a fuckin moron.
He had some good ideas for sure, but the man himself was just manipulative twat. His products are insufferable to use. Even as an apple certified repair technician for years I despise everything about apple and it’s many products.
How do you screw up the most basic fundamental things like window management and a basic file explorer, I’ll honestly never understand.
Feels so slow too, no matter what you’re doing, finder windows slow, opening closing apps, just moving the mouse around takes forever.
Uses the same commands as Linux
Maybe CMD, but not GUI and actually using it.
Windows 11 in a corporate environment , Jesus wept, what a fucking disaster of a system. It just gets in your way.
One of the original Windows CE-based PDAs. Fuck that thing was a nightmare to use and even worse to sync to your PC. Early mobile technology was a lesson in frustration and disappointment.
Thank goodness PocketPC and later Windows Mobile 5/6 were much better designed. I still prefer my Palm device, tho.
My pixel 6a…
Bought new 2 years ago through Google Fi, camera stopped working after 2 weeks. Literal hardware failure. Used warranty and was sent another which was refurbished. (Bullshit by the way, I paid in full for the damn phone new 2 weeks prior.)
About 1 month after that one showed up Wi-Fi and Bluetooth began randomly turning off then on. Then it just flat out failed to even find any Wi-Fi networks unless I rebooted it multiple times. Bluetooth would randomly cut in and out while connected to my car. Reboot multiple times would occasionally fix it. The real problem here is I have unlimited (see -limited to 35 gigs) data. Watching YouTube in bed and falling asleep the phone would say fuck Wi-Fi and stream all night on 5g eating my data in days limiting me to 2g speeds for the rest of the month.
Eventually doing the reboot to fix this shit it would just start randomly boot looping for hours. Had to hold down volume to enter the setup mode or whatever, power off, snack the phone a couple times, restart, and if I was lucky it would start up, and I was really lucky the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth might work.
This led to eventually the phone just randomly restarting itself. Especially if the Bluetooth was working and I was using headphones and someone called me. It would just turn off then boot loop again lol. If and sometimes if I powered it off it would just be stuck on the powering off screen for an hour.
I had insurance and warranty and Google did their fucking damnedest to fuck me around. I called them (Fi) multiple times and had the issue eventually escalated to management or something. Was promised a new phone was being sent out. Never showed up. This happened twice. I filed a complaint and it was eventually (see months) followed up with a call to inform me I was officially out of the warranty period (of course I was, by the time you actually reached out) however they would ship me one if I sent mine back. They would put a hold FOR THE FULL PRICE of the NEW phone on my bank account until they received my faulty device. OR I could just send it in and they would send me a new after it has been received leaving me without a phone for up to 2 weeks. Effectively paying again for the phone I already purchased in full.
I finally broke down last week and just got a Moto stylus 5g which has been great so far. However, I got it through Fi of course because they’re simply the cheapest option for me as I’ve had it since it came out and I am grandfathered in with 3 lines “unlimited” for $65/month. When I ordered the moto I noticed they have a trade in offer… :D I of course choose yes, followed by questions to see if I was eligible…
Does the phone have any cracks or damage? A - No! 👍 (A miracle honestly with how often I slammed this thing out of frustration)
Does the phone power on? A - Yes! (Technically it does…)
You’re eligible for the trade in offer! You will receive a $76 bill credit once we receive your device!
Awesome! Google will be receiving the biggest, most useless piece of shit device I have EVER had the displeasure of owning and I’ll receive a credit essentially making my new phone free!
It took 2 years and I suspect they’ll try to fuck me out of the credit unless I get lucky and the device actually starts up normally when they receive it. But, in my own very small and admittedly petty way I feel like I’m getting revenge on these fuckers.
Tldr - pixel 6a is worthless. My wife has the same phone and hers is flawless but I was delivered 2 that were both fucked in some way. Google did nothing to fix it.
I had the original and now the 5. My kid got the same (5) and the battery was swelling. But the process to get a new one was smooth as silk, I had bought the insurance because that kid is hard on phones (they bought the phone but I am covering the insurance).
What was funny to me was we said “the battery is slowly exploding” and they said “mail it back in the packaging the new one arrives in” which was just a cardboard box. That can’t possibly be safe!
I love my 6a, but Google’s practice of replacing bad phones with refurbished bad phones is just horrible.