Some people are too young to understand the power of a video game cover back then
Tomb Raider is a conceptually amazing game. Level design and re-use of rooms to save memory was outstanding.
Tomb Raider 1 Lara Croft didn’t even get that, it was just a ramp
Exactly, two pyramid was late 90s leak tech!
The graphics were extremely groundbreaking for the time. Unless you lived through it, it would be hard to understand. Its hard to compare it to any modern graphics advancement because modern graphics advancements are all such tiny visual improvements, its not the same as the massive leaps early 3D graphics had.
The whole experience surrounding Tomb Raider nude codes was a pre-teen wake-up call to what the world was really like. That so many different people would just KNOWINGLY LIE!? About this, of all things!? Do you know the strength of the forces with with you so callously toy? So nothing is sacred then. And the world is cruel. Got it.
Also, everybody ignores dat ass.
Back in those days not many people had access to porn, certainly not like how feely it is to access today. You had to take what your could get.
I remember having a single floppy disk of nudes that some friends and I downloaded off a BBS. Kids these days will never understand how lucky we felt to be cranking our meat to the same 13 low def images.
In 1996 having anything be in 3d onnyour PC was a big deal.