The Moon.
Failing that, Low Earth Orbit.
I handle this, as do most poor people, by not asking ourselves this question, not even fantasizing about it, for why torture yourself with something you never can do?
The sun.
The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
Honestly I wanna do an expedition to the North Pole and see the sun do weird shit. Then treck to the South Pole so I can see the sun do weird shit but backwards. Like I know that sun is a weird freak when it doesn’t think you’re looking, that’s why it does it at the poles. Then along the way from North to south I’ll tell people how weird the sun is, and they’ll have to believe me because I’ve been there, and they’ll have to say “damn the sun is weird”. Sun’s going to be so embarrassed when everyone finds out how weird it is.
That or like go to Cancun or something. Anywhere that I can keep track of the sun that twisted freak you aren’t fooling me.
Damn we have similar goals but different reasons. I want to have been on all continents and I am obsessed with going to Antarctica. If I had the money, I would want to stand on the planet’s axis. And have the whole world actually revolve around me. Doing this on the North Pole too would be great, but it’s not a continent and therefore has second place.
And now, can you elaborate the weird stuff the sun does at the poles? Besides polar night and polar day?
I’d buy millions of people millions of epic exotic vacations.
My son asked me this yesterday. Japan.
Alpha Centauri system. I’d keep spending money until we got a working fusion reactor and Alcubierre Drive, open source the designs, and go check that shit out.
Well if money is no object then a world tour that lasts the rest of my life, thanks (or if I can use this magic purse on behalf of others instead, stay home and buy up all the world’s debt, sponsor a jubilee year.)
I’d donate alot to my local makerspace then take unpaid leave for a good while and just make things. If I had to travel i would probably go to Germany to see a few friends, it’s been too long.
Vienna. The opera season this year couldn’t be better, I’d stay the year and go every night.
Fly to Frankfurt for fairly cheap. Take the train to Munich and the train to Vienna from there and attend at least a few. Get a cheaper “stay” in the outer districts that are still connected via train. Check if there is offers on “Groupon” for it potentially. Could probably make it with 2k/2.5k
Tokyo. Splurge in Akihabara and eat some authentic ramen.
Money is no object?
Alpha Centauri. Build a spacious and comfortable Orion Drive ship for me and a few thousand of my best friends to go on a nice long trip.
I would love to visit New Zealand. I’m a canuk and I hear they are like a better weather version of my country…I’ve also never met a kiwi that wasn’t a stand up person.
If money were no object, I’d book a permanent vacation to New Zealand. But a vacation into the Sun has a certain appeal too.
e: love your username btw