Last time I posted I was in the process of figuring out a new place to live. Just wanted to check in and say I made the move and I’m okay. It was hard, and maybe not exactly as far as I wanted but it’s better than the deep south. I’m making friends and have decent work. Hopefully life will be kind. Community is helping me a lot. Posting a photo I took this morning while slacking off and feeling cute. HRT for 1.5 years now.
I bet /c/trans_joy would enjoy this being cross-posted there!
Oh my goodness, girl, those eyes!
They are mesmerizingly gorgeous! ^_^
Thank you 😊
You look great. Keep smiling. (if you want ofc)
I want to. 😁
That’s great.
Heyyy! Nice to see you again <3
And you changed so much since the last pic! Ahhh, you’re so pretty!
lol, I literally didn’t recognize her from her previous photos‼️
Hehehe I’m trying! Good makeup practice can do a lot of heavy lifting.
Cool hair!
It’s my favorite thing about me physically 😁
Yay! Glad things are on the up & up and happy for you! You look great!
You’re checking in and I’m checking out… you 🤩
I’m not aware of your past posts, but you look like things are going fine for you. Good luck and keep at it.
I’m trying my hardest. It’s hard to uproot on your own. I still have a lot of things I need to do healthcare wise and I’m a bit overwhelmed but I’ll make it if I just keep walking forward.
Love all the colors you got going on. That blue top is such a nice soothing color and has a wonderful contrast against your fantastic hair color. 11/10
I secretly had help picking it out, but I’m falling in love with the tones as well. Still not sure between the deep red and the orange I used to do. I’m enjoying it though 😁❤️