First Aid, since you never know when this might be helpful on either yourself or others!
On that note im surprise we haven’t seen CPR or the hiemlic.
I had classes on CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver at school as part of the First Aid classes we had, though I’m not sure how commonplace such classes are in other schools/locations.
Understanding nuance and then applying said understanding in communication with others.
I can’t begin to mention how often people need to know something but won’t accept how non-yes-or-no the answer might be.
Exactly. I always say that nearly everything that exists in life does so within the grey area between black and white.
not anymore it seems.
We have them around us every day. We carry them in our pockets every day. Our lives and all of society relies on them. People have been growing up with them, and can’t imagine a life without them.
So imagine my distress at how everyone is so incredibly tech illiterate.
Being able to swim.
Was recently driving a bunch of other girls to our university maintenance class after it had poured and we came to a part of the road where it descends into a depression before fully rising back up. That day the depression was flooded, making a lagoon. The back-up road would take us an extra 30 kilometers around, so after briefly stopping, I decided to rush forward and go through the water. Every last passenger started silently panicking (silently enough I didn’t notice) and one threw up out of fear, and thinking it was car sickness, I stopped the vehicle, which made everyone panic more and try to “abandon ship” because they thought the vehicle was going down and need help because it was the areas beside the road which were actually deep. And here I am thinking “this place is as wet and flood-prone as Hurricane Harbor, what have you been doing all your life that you can’t swim”. If someone can’t, why?
The answer for me amounts to shame. Being in that scenario once did not help.
This has been a mandatory part of the Swedish schools for many decades.
Sadly, due to migration, new culture norms and parents have stopped bringing their children to school when they know it is swimming on the schedule due to boys/girle sharing the same pool.
So wait, school isn’t mandatory in Sweden of all places? How does that work?
How to use a lathe, compliment someone without expecting anything in return, and blend in on a city street.
If you are in the US… Learn how to drive already. The vast majority of adults are going to drive every day, and most of those are going to drive at least twice a day. The degree of competency in driving seems to fall to a new low every year.
Signals - Use them. If you don’t have time to check, signal, check, maneuver, then you don’t have time to make that turn/lane change. If you don’t signal, you’re not driving, you’re just fucking around in a 2 ton death machine.
Distracted driving - it’s a myth. You’re either driving, or you are fucking around in a 2 ton death machine.
Turning from wrong lane/driving across onramp shoulder - know where where the fuck you are, and if you make a wrong turn, don’t endanger your life, your passengers lives, and every else’s on the road. A good driver rarely misses their turn, a bad driver never misses their turn. If you are cutting people off to make your ramp or turn, you’re not driving, you’re fucking around in a 2 ton death machine.
Frankly, I’m of the opinion that speeding should not be a primary offense. If the road is clear and some dude checking his lanes, using signals and paying attention to the road wants to drive 110 on the freeway, let him. They’ve never almost killed me, but idiots in cars fucking around on the road like they are the only people on the road nearly cause me an accident almost every day I drive now. I rarely get through the day without using my horn to wake up some jackass about to kill someone, and those people should get pulled over, fined, and have their behavior corrected.
Edit: Also automatic lights were a mistake and they should be banned.
You’ll save yourself so much money and time mending clothes, blankets, and doing your own mods instead of buying new things.
Money, sure. Time. I’m not convinced.
Meditation. It helps with self-control, emotional regulation, stress, and builds discipline. Screen addiction is real, and meditation helps.
Every time I’ve tried, I just end up sitting there.
That’s kind of what it is. Just try to think of nothing. I just think about the air going into and out of my lungs.
I do that every day though :/
How to cook. Even if it is only a pair of eggs or a simple sandwich.
There are people that cant make a sandwich?
Ok, stupid story but when I was little I asked my mom for a PBnJ and she said she was busy and asked one of her friends to do it. I never met the guy and I don’t think I ever saw him again but he said, “alright” and we went to the kitchen. Dude started out solid. Two slices, spread on the peanut butter like a pro. What came next changed me forever. Dude pulls out the jelly and spreads it right on top of the peanut butter. I’m almost glad I never saw this guy again, straight psycho. Sandwich was 4/5 not life changing but good.
I can do it if there are instructions. Not so much if I have to rely on intuition.
Breathing air
It’s true tho.
At which point do you decide you’ve become a master and no longer a Padawan?
You can be a padawan and still be a master baiter. It’s the jedi who can’t do that.
Serious question. What’s with those fucking bait shops in the seedy parts of town. What the fuck is going on in there. Do they sell like baits that will catch magical fish but you have to like make a deal with the devil?
I dunno, I usually go to the
candy shopmarijuana gummy dispensary shop for my bait…