The thought that I will be able to actually have things I need in life. Actually able the live without fear.
Was a weird hallucination. But still it happened once.
I had morphine at the hospital once. It was like a blanket woven with fibers made of love, calmness, and warmth. I would love to feel that again, but not a good idea. I can easily understand how someone can get addicted to opiates.
Weird. I’ve gotten oxy for a surgery, and it was just meh. Didn’t make me feel tired, didn’t really do a lot for the pain–which wasn’t really that bad–def. didn’t get me high. OTOH, I’m allergic to at least one opiate, so IDK.
Same here. A little warmth and then a sudden wave of nausea.
Hydrocodone made my eyes itch so badly that I couldn’t keep them open. It took about five or six hours before I could see anything.
Oh it feels good until the hives hit for me. But I was on Dilaudid. Never did oxy, vicodin didn’t reduce my pain enough for me to bother learning I’m allergic
Yeah, drugs affect some people differently.
Tangentially, I’ve never understood when people say caffeine makes them fall asleep but it’s a relatively common thing. Lol
Yep, dangerous stuff. I once had some minor surgery done. Afterwards I was sitting outside in a patient waiting room in a bed waiting for the drugs to stop working.
I brought my laptop and watched some episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was hilarious and super comfortable.
I can never do that again, it’s obviously super addictive. The medical professionals are right in being really strict when giving out opiates in my country.
Apparently people’s responses in this situation are a good indication of their vulnerability to addiction in general.
Anecdotally it makes sense. I’ve had morphine multiple times (after accidents) and found it meh. I certainly wasn’t asking for more. It so happens that I hardly ever drink and I’ve never done drugs of any kind or even wanted to*, despite having no moral objections to them and being around a ton of people who do them all.
*Okay, except psychedelics.
I think it varies by class of drugs (edit: and how they interact with your personality). I’ve used opiates and benzos before and enjoyed myself without feeling like I’d really care to try it again, but I definitely flirted with disaster/addiction with stimulants for a decade plus and alcohol for my entire adult life.
And it didn’t take long; the first time I tried any stimulant, I chased it (and I’ve tried a lot of them).
Psychedelics, on the other hand, I love and in most people there is little to no danger for addiction. I’d go so far as to say that unless you have a family or personal history of schizophrenia, psychedelics are almost a must for understanding or coming to peace with life, death, and society.
A good psychedelic trip is literally life-changing, and even a bad trip is life-changing if you go into it with a decent trip sitter and the attitude that a bad trip is still just showing you yourself and the things you need to work on.
I quit taking oxy once the pain subsided so i could have a beer lol. 15-45min of feeling like “everything is fine, really” while being forcibly dissociated every few hours was nice. Not worth the constipation at all.
Dilodin via IV drip was pretty great though.
I never came close to describing morphine even half as well as you did. And it still doesn’t do it justice.
Morphine is the best. And that’s what makes it the worst.
wow, definitely tempting from your description
Honestly I’d settle for easy access to a saline drip. The raw hydration and cool sensation in the veins. The medical smell too.
I have to drink like 6 liters of water to sort of almost feel that hydrated in a day.
I got dilaudid in the hospital after surgery and thought “Hah! What can this tiny pill do?”. Well within minutes I was in a fetal position on a cloud. My wife said I was the nicest I’ve ever been. lol
Yah, I can see the addiction potential there.
Damn, is that one supposed to be that good?
I got some a few months ago. It took the edge off the pain I was in, but I was still far from comfortable. I also had access to a fentanyl drip later, and I don’t really like the feeling of that either. I pushed the button like maybe 3 or 4 times total over the next week, even though it was probably the worst week of my entire life.
Morphine and laughing has have me curious, though. But I guess pain meds just aren’t my vice. Knowing how dangerous opiates are makes me way to nervous to enjoy anything but the lack of (or really just reduction in) pain.
All alcohol is fucking terrible, bar none ever.
Weird to me how 2 of the most popular addictive things just make me feel gross.
Weed though gives me a better version of the alcohol high with absolutely none of the downsides. Never had a hangover, but I would throw up almost every time and had an annoying headache that wasn’t debilitating, but hard to dull.
I’ve never done opiates, but that sounds kinda like just the right amount of alcohol and weed. It’s a tough needle to thread, but I have fond memories of nights drifting off to sleep perfectly content, perfectly warm and comfortable. The brain is tingly and fuzzy, the body almost feels like it’s on the edge of vertigo, in a cozy falling-twisting sort of way; like sinking into an impossibly soft mattress that just keeps going. Warm but not sweaty, calm but not numb, everything exactly as it should be.
Losing consciousness. I went to get by blood drawn for the doctor and for some reason I got nervous or something, and I lost consciousness for just a minute or two.
I woke up as if I had just slept for 30 hours, more rested than I’ve ever been, no matter how long I sleep.
Sometimes we just need to turn the human off then on again and it clears out the brain cache? I’ll have to try sometime!
If only I could pass out on command.
I’d like to be able to raise my children again. I think I could do better.
It’s a constant fear of mine. That I’m not doing well enough. I actually lie awake at nights and that’s not something I normally do. But I know that I can’t do more than my best, I’ll make plenty mistakes, but so did my parents and I turned out fine. As long as you give all the love and support that you can. They’ll be fine. There’s not much else you can do, honestly, they’ll have to find their own way anyhow
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There’s a camaraderie with the other soldiers on your platoon that happens when you’re in the military that I’ve never been able to feel with any other group of people since I got out. I would really like to be able to experience that again, but minus the war part.
Blood of the covenant. I hear ya. Even that one guy or two who was an absolute dick, it’s kinda all okay now.
New Zealand. Beautiful place, and the coffee, OMFG, they really know their coffee there!
I know it’s silly, but a bj from one of my exes. It was so good and I’ve been a bit touch deprived lately.
I wanna smoke weed again. I did it one time in school when I got hold of a dealer. Didn’t do it again, dunno why. Now I don’t know any dealers.
I hear you, I’d kill for a good old buzz right now
Take a field trip to Michigan?
I would rather shoot myself than set foot in America right now
The Netherlands, perhaps?
I have considered taking a train to Amsterdam. It’s probably just a 2-hour ride.
How lucky! I wish I lived two hours away from Amsterdam.
If you come here someone can do the shooting for you.
Lmao I share the sentiment but the delivery was hilarious
Fresh new set of teeth.
True love. I was with my soulmate and she left me. My heart never healed and it’s been over 4 years.
playing portal 1/2 and celeste for the first time were amazing, obviously still great games but nothing beats your first playthrough
The portals are still the only games I best on release day. I had a feeling of spoilers the first time, and I was so right I avoided everything about portal 2 until I got my hands on it.
The end credits song of the first and the moon shot in 2 memories are crystal clear in my head.
So much triumph was experienced. So much spaaaaaaace to experience it in.
I’m 39.
Flying with my father. Flying was his passion and I only ever got to ride with him once. Sadly, he passed several years ago and I’ll never get to go up with him again.
To be content. At least i got to experience it once.
content adjective in a state of peaceful happiness.