I find myself reflexively trying to reload when I’m not even using a gun. Tried to reload a giant sword the other day. Very helpful.
Reloading a sword puts more sharp in it.
Ah yes, Lies of P
Playing melee characters and I keep joking to my friends that I’m instinctively spamming R to “reload my arms”.
Lol. Right?
It took me a few weeks of playing HD2 to train myself to stop reloading all the time.
Dang I didn’t know they made Home Depot 2, that’s dope.
It’s called Lowe’s. Lame name, but neat color scheme.
How’s it do that (I haven’t played it).
Magazine based reloading. Shoot 3 out of 30 rounds in a mag, drop the old mag, slap a new mag in, you’re down 27 bullets and have 30 fresh bullets to shoot, plus one in the chamber.
Oh shit
Your rounds remaining don’t magically fly into your next mag, they get left on the ground with the mag you just shot only a single round out of
Or, you now have a slightly depleted magazine on your belt. Depending on the game mechanics (and possibly the reloading method you choose).
In Helldivers you just pitch that shit on the floor, ain’t nobody got time to belt that back on, we’ve got bugs incoming
I used to do this years ago, and its mostly fixed to the point its broken again. 5/30 bullet in my machine gun? No reloading because enemy’s at the corner.
Battlefield 2 had the magazine system as well.