DISCO s1e4 “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not…”
Man it was really stupid (and cringe) of them to talk about musk in discovery. And it aged terrible lol
They could have at least read up about him if they were going to name drop, it was clear if you paid attention back then how bad he was, though it was more understandable for someone not paying attention to not know
Was it before or after the “pedo submarine” thing?
Because I’m having a hard time understanding how much attention one would need to pay.
I think before. Pedo submarine comment was 2018 and I believe this was 2017. He had made crazy comments but nothing was big news at that point iirc
Honestly, a better analogy is Henry Ford.
See also Thomas Edison.
Though to be fair, I am pretty sure Edison wasn’t a fascist, because fascism hadn’t been invented yet
An asshole is an asshole is an asshole. I get you, though
Hadn’t been invented, or just hadn’t been discovered yet?
I think the right word to use here is “defined”
Hadn’t been marketed properly.
Ideologies are invented, not discovered.
When was this episode aired originally?
All right yeah that’s what I thought. Well past when red flags were already coming up all over the place. No excuse for them to have been worshiping him by that date.
To this day , that title is in my list of top 5 titles, and probably the top Disco title.
That is also a great one and the other contender for best Disco title IMO.
It’s pretty risky to name drop a living person, and they did it just to seem a bit more modern.
I heard somewhere the guy said that in the hopes that musk would give him a Tesla or something 😅
Is the fucker broke or something
Didn’t they also use a real life politician to play a fictional politician?
Yeah, Stacey Abrams from Georgia. So far no landmines but you never know.
To be fair, at least then they are playing a character and not any more likely to become problematic in that context than any actor. You still have a separation between the real life person and the character.
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Stamets is named after Paul Stamet, who’s one part legit mycologist researcher, one part mushroom cure-all, woo peddler. He at least has the sense to compartmentalize his books. “The Mushroom Cultivator” remains the goto, soup-to-nuts book on cultivating mushrooms.
as long as the real people actually invented a device and that’s all that’s mentioned I’m fine with it, but praising real people is just a bad idea.
Hawking didn’t age poorly.
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Even before it became common knowledge that Elon Musk was a twat, I found the way the media fellated him to be egregious.
They were paid to 100%. A twat like that hires entire companies to manage his public persona. At least until he started to take matters into his own hands more and more
It didn’t start with the media, it started with the crypto libertarians and tech bros. I might be misremembering but I think the news media got on their knees in the mid 2010s.
Well, that and the stupid cameo in iron man. But in general when people say media these days they mean the fourth estate not paramount pictures
In the mid 2010’s when Tesla started producing real electric cars and SpaceX first landed a rocket on a floating raft, he genuinely seemed like a visionary who was going to fix a lot of our problems.
Unfortunately at some point he decided he wanted to be the source of most of our problems.
I miss 2010s Musk, or what we thought he was. It rapidly become apparent he was a moron who used his birth lottery money to luck into even more money.
How much do you think Musk paid to get his name dropped? I bet you he paid too much.
How funny would it be if they did a George Lucas and just edited the audio to remove Musks name.
Elmo would be so mad. His ego wouldn’t be able to take it.
Feels like they at least have to add a warning like this:
I really like the sentiment behind that warning. Especially the last line.
Doesn’t explain how Tilly attended Musk Junior High School, though.
Also mirror.
DISCO s1e10 “Despite Yourself”
Musk “Junior High School”, or “Musk Junior” High School?
Musk has like a thousand kids…one of them might turn out to be worthy of naming a school after.
You think Khan Academy is named after Ghengis?
My head canon is that Paul Stamets has no idea who the fuck Musk is, and that he didn’t want to interrupt Captain Lorca’s seemingly encouraging speech. So this is definitely a slip (in my head canon) since Musk is definitely a prominent historical figure in the Mirror Universe.
Have we considered that the Wright Brothers may have been massive megalomaniacal douches that took credit for someone else’s invention too, and this statement is entirely consistent?
You could talk with Brazilians about Santos Dumont…
That one verifiably happened after the wright brothers though?
I fucking FORGOT about that part lol
Elon Musk must have been a decent guy in the Mirror Universe.
Thanks for this. I skip mirror EPs on DS9. I can see how writers might enjoy doing anything they want with the characters, but it’s not fun to sit through a bunch of rapid fire no consequence ‘‘what if’’ plotlines. I don’t mind eps where it’s a thought out plot with characters that are in character, where everything gets status quo’d at the end, is OK as long as the story is worth it, but 20min of Major Kira as a sex offender for no reason is a big no.
fair enough
personally, I think DS9 used the Mirror Universe well. As you say, it’s enjoyable for the writers. I also think the cast had a lot of fun with them - cut loose and go full camp.
Staying in the mirror universe is what kills me. I liked the first half of STD’s season 1 well enough. But after revealing that Lorka was from the mirror universe and then spending the rest of the season there? That’s not fun at all. Just boring.
I skip them for the exact same reason.
I also skip most of the holodeck episodes (I would never skip a Moriarty episode though!)
No, he was a normal guy in the normal universe. We’re in the mirror…
My theory is musk paid someone in somewhere to get it on there.
Well, they elevated space hitler to BFF.
Seriously can’t escape Elon Musk fucking anywhere. Putting on a filter only helps slightly.
Apologies. Just remembered that awkward moment and can’t recall having seen it pointed out since, ya know.
It’s only going to get worse.
Because people ignore what they find revolting, instead of revolting.