When I was growing up in India I believed that I was surrounded by the dumbest and most ignorant people on earth, then I moved to the US for a while and was surprised most people remembered to breathe.
The unvax’d population in India is greater than the population of the United States. Unfortunately, only 90% of the US is vax’d against measles, which is a staggering number in and of itself, but I’m not sure of the demographic breakdown of it.
Yeah but the unvaxxed population in India are literally living in shacks with dirt floors and can barely read but the unvaxxed population in the US choose this because of facebook posts
mortality rate of 3% for unvaccinated kids.
gonna be a lot of depression-era grieving going on.
People focus on mortality too while failing to account for the sorts of lifelong disabilities viruses like these cause when you do survive them. Absolutely sickening.
the lifelong disabilities will be awful
I don’t want to know that stat butttt do you know that stat? I’m curious anyway
20 to 30% have some form of complications, it’s particularly severe in the vulnerable, very young, very old and compromised immune systems.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection.
it’s highly transmissible, 9 out of 10 people who are exposed and unvaccinated will get it.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.
On the topic on non-mortal cases, this CDC page says the hospitalization rate for 2025 has been 20% (30% for <5 year olds)
Mmr and chickenpox both can cause Temporary infertility in men, if you catch it later. It because it causes inflammation in your tubes of the testes
3 percent of kids dead is a small price to pay for Texans to not have to reevaluate how they make decisions.
They’ll never stop defending their right to let others die for their obstinacy.
Measles wipes your immune system as well. You’ll be having a miserable next decade or longer getting sick from everything again.
There was a Simpson episode, about Maggie getting chickenpox and Marge had to make sure Homer doesn’t come close to her, since he never had it
Can’t wait to see conservative morons saying “hurr durr 3% isn’t even that high of a percent”
Have fun fighting a culture war against pathogens, Texas
We are careening toward the “end-game” for the rampant anti-intellectualism, anti-science, anti-critical thinking mind virus that plagued this country for at least the past 80 years.
This is what happens when you condition people for nearly a century, to get angry and defensive when someone who’s more versed on a subject tries to teach them something (or god forbid, correct them). It has become a kneejerk reaction for so many Americans (mostly conservatives). They are so insecure that they view any type of education as a direct insult to them or some stupid bullshit like that. Like deep down, they know how ignorant they are, but for some reason they’d prefer to stay that way, so anyone who challenges that (regardless of how pure the motive), is a “smug piece of shit talking down to them.”
And instead of even retaining what the person said, let alone learning it, they become even more radicalized against… well, reality.
I truly have no idea how something like this can ever be fixed at this level. We’re talking over 50 million people give or take tens of millions (unsure how many have regrets).
And this is nation-ending shit.
Edit: Slightly related, but something I just thought about… Imagine if we ever have a prion-based pandemic (if that’s possible?). That could straight up be the end of humankind. Prions are terrifying.
This is what happens when you construct a society around screwing everyone else over while preaching cooperation. People stop trusting everything
Yeah, the US government is so well known for “preaching cooperation”. What a fucking joke.
Politicians are always preaching “unity” while not acting united in the least.
At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Mr. Trump took a moment to speak of bipartisan comity. Just hours earlier, he torched the federal bureaucracy, the global order, the media and Democrats.
Prion based pandemic is entirely possible.
I anticipate prions becoming a part of biological warfare in the coming years.
Prions unlikely, they don’t possess the infectious nature of pathogens… additionally it’s a pretty rare disease, because animals showing signs of prions are usually eradicated and burned. Also humans can carry inheritable forms, which is even rarer than cow prions.
Even if someone manufactured it?
It’s a simple problem, the lack of trust; and a relatively simple fix.
But you will have to abandon liberalism, capitalism, and all such tools of the rich that only exist to oppress the poor. While those systems of oppression exist, anti intellectualism is a natural defense mechanism.
There’s a reason black folks in the US tend not to trust doctors, a good one, one of the best. It’s the same reason native Americans tend not to trust the law, immigrants tend not to call police even if they’re legal, and smart poor people don’t trust vaccines. It’s all the same reason, all the same cause, even with different incidents from that cause.
And you can’t fight it and keep the systems that spawned it, it is impossible.
Black people in generally are also ignored by doctors when they display life threatening symptoms such as heart attacks
What do you think BSE was? We were lucky to keep that within the cow population.
True, forgot about Cruetzfeldt-Jacob.
Also, think that one in Africa that happened because the natives in the area had a tradition of eating the brains of their dead loved ones, was also a prion. I want to say Kuru? Koru?
Was that really Africa? I am not sure, it could have been Indian or Pacific Ocean islands. But I could be mistaken here.
I didn’t know what it meant and had to look it up, and for anyone else wondering:
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is an incurable and invariably fatal neurodegenerative disease of cattle. Symptoms include abnormal behavior, trouble walking, and weight loss. Later in the course of the disease, the cow becomes unable to function normally.
Correct. And it can transfer to humans, where it is then known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob, with the same results. One of those medical topics that make me really shudder when thinking about it.
Additionally people become bitter w.and conservative once they get a degree and never ended up in their field( they should know better), this is probably a small group but it does track. A lot of people love to choose majors like psych without researching you need a PsyD at the most to have a career
Huh? Yeah, sorry, not gonna get on board with your bizarre misunderstanding of very important fields.
It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s well known that it’s easier to get relevant jobs in certain science fields than others.
Psychology is one of the hardest science fields to get a job in, and it’s also one of the most popular undergraduate majors. Put the 2 together and the end result is that the vast majority of psychology majors end up being unable to find a job in psychology.
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Don’t forget the “liberal” (closed minded in their own way) hippie types who think cancer can be cured with some magic herb or something. They are just as likely to be against vaccines and science in general. I know too many of these people.
They are so insecure that they view any type of education as a direct insult to them or some stupid bullshit like that. Like deep down, they know how ignorant they are
They know deep down inside that they are dumb and uneducated but think their “instincts” and gut feelings are equivalent or better than years of studying and analytical thought. They also are jealous of people smarter than them and instead of raising themselves up they prefer to pull them down.
Measles parties is the stupidest thing I heard. It is not chickenpox (although even chickenpox instead of vaccine causes risk of having shingles once you get older), it can cause serious health issues and even death.
The chickenpox vaccine is relatively recent, and chickenpox parties were a good way to inoculate children who get only mild symptoms and very little danger from the disease compared to adults.
Nowadays, vaccines are 100% the best defense.
Measles is so much worse and it has never been a good idea to purposely subject yourself to that.
Yep, the vaccine is recent enough that if you were born in the 90s or before, the vaccine wasn’t available when you were of the right age to get it. I didn’t even know we had a vaccine until probably 5 years ago.
Same, I only found out through the shingles sub I regularly visit, because I had shingles before 20
Was still pretty dumb, because now they have shingles for the rest of their lives. Just laying in wait for the right moment to strike lol
Well, the thing is that if you get chickenpox was older person it is much more serious, and there is shingles vaccine too.
I’m actually fine that my parents did it, it seems like there’s upper age for the vaccine so I wouldn’t be eligible, so it was either that or trying to be lucky and not catching it while being older.
There was not a shingles vaccine back when “chicken pox parties” were a thing
You’re right, what I mean it is now available and I can (and did) take it, so hopefully I won’t have that problem.
Interestingly my brother got shingles in his 30s, but with covid became antivaxer and doesn’t think he can get it again (he can).
Chpx vaccine only came out in 1995. Anyone before that had the virus already.
I know, that’s what my parents did and I needed shingles vaccine.
I’m happy the vaccine is available for my kids and they don’t have to worry about shingles when they are older.
The shingles vaccine for adults originally using a larger dose of the attenuated virus of the childhood vax. But now they have a new one that doesn’t use the virus at all, it’s called shingrx. It’s not advisable to get shingrx or the original shingles vax if your under 50
I got it earlier, because of immuno suppressing medication I’m taking, also my brother got shingles in his 30s and as far as I know he doesn’t have problems (at least diagnosed) with immune system or takes such medication. That kind of scared me to ask doctor about it.
I couldn’t find exactly why it is approved 50+ except that’s what FDA tested it for and that shingles is more common (but it doesn’t mean you can’t get it earlier) after that age.
From my own experience shingles vaccine side effects are worst from all the vaccine I had so far. My side effect was that after second dose I had problem with keeping balance for 3 days or so, which scared the shit of me.
yea i heard people got a really bad immune reaciton from the vaccine when they get it younger than what fda reccommended, basically it caused damaged near his testes.(funny thing is both the actual infection, chickenpox, measles mmr can do the same thing)
Yea I distinctly remember getting an Aveeno bath for it, and families were also having their other children around each other with chickenpox.
Have had shingles twice, in my mid 20s and mid 30s, wouldn’t recommend.
At least I got diagnosed soon enough to be medicated…
I had it 19/20 I was totally untreated by the time I saw a doctor, it already ruptured all the blistered and ooze all the liquid. I still have scars to this day, plus some nerve damage. It was a small rash, but it’s numb there. My phn was pretty mild
I’m just gonna say, I got lucky with where my shingles hit and it suuucked. It was just my side. I have a friend who got out across their face. I got very lucky.
It’s so stupid I literally think it’s an attack on US citizens by hostile foreign governments
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The US does love eugenics, this is true
Sorry, was this meant to a different comment? I don’t like the move Hegseth did, but I’m confused how this relates to measles.
That anti-vax rhetoric and “measles party” rhetoric are so unbelievably bad, I think it’s psyops put forth by foreign governments meant to kill Americans deliberately. And with Hegseth removing large portions of cybersecurity, it’s only going to get worse.
Yes you are right. The covid pandemic was also masterfully used to spread other conspiracies (that’s how my family members got infected with the propaganda), and that it caused many Americans to die was a bonus to them.
For anyone not in the know, if you had chicken pox you’re at risk for shingles. I’ve heard it’s shear hell and got the shingles vax.
I think you need hit a few times? I’ve done 2 in the last 2 years, no side effects. Except for, ya know, not getting shingles.
Had shingles at 20, definitely would’ve been worse if I had shingles later in life. Even with the chickenpox.vaccine it doesn’t prove full immunity, people have been getting a wild infection and then shingles anyways, , it’s just the initial chickenpox is less severe
I got it earlier than normal, usually it is given at 50+, I think it is because of side effects and in my case it were the worst I ever had.
I had 2 doses, first one was largely non issue, except I went to Costco next day to do shopping and day after I felt like I had a long hike.
The second dose really scared me, but next day I had a vertigo that lasted few days. I couldn’t walk in a straight line, if I lied in a bed it felt like I was spinning. I thought I will end up disabled because of it, fortunately after 3 days it started to pass.
Never had any vaccine reaction this scary.
I have some theory about it; perhaps the vaccine amplifies signals from nerves or something i.e. in first dose I got tired more than I should (from just waking in store for one hour), with second dose, next day I actually went to some bounce castle thing with my kids and jumped there a bit and I think that triggered it.
So if you are getting the shingles vaccine best to just stay home and rest for few days.
On the shingles subreddit, someone got it before 50, and it gave them some kind permanent issue. Don’t try to aggressively pursue shingles vaccine before 50, because there hasn’t been significant studies on it. The subreddit got pretty anal and restricted the sub, because people were being called out for not having shingles, when they keep posting " is this a shingles rash, when it clearly its something else"
Interesting, do you remember what the permanent issue was? Not being able to keep balance for 3 days seriously scared me, but everything returned to normal.
i dint know i had phn, until i visited that sub, it only lasted a couple years though. its nerve damage, mostly at the site where the scars is, its numb where it is, and hypersensitive touch surrounding skin. also a wierd spasm where the scars are if i poke aggressively. shingles cause all sorts of sensation abnormalities, once you have siginifcant scarring(which indicates alot of damage) the size was only larger than a quarter, compared others(where you see back to front rashes). i knew 2 people who had cranial shingles(which affects the eyes )
Well you know what they say…what doesn’t kill you makes you have fewer cells that produce antibodies.
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Measles can cause immune amnesia, meaning your immune system forgets past illnesses and will have to go through initial sicknesses again.
Yup. It’s why so many died, not from measles, but from other diseases in the 3-5 years after they had measles. IIRC they only really worked this out in the last 5-10 years because of the amount of data to comb through.
Chickenpox, mmr viruses is deadly to adults. Ever seen a adult get chickenpox, the poxes actually hurt more than it itches
Wow. Texas out-Texases Texas.
If we got the vaccine as a kid, we’re good to go, right?
Most likely, but the chance of getting it anyway isn’t zero.
95% coverage for life and even if you get it, it would likely be very mild. Pre-1989 is 93% coverage IIRC.
Saw a headline that the MMR vaccine may be reduced in effectiveness after 40-ish years. It’s all breaking news since people being so backwards as to not be vaccinated in numbers to allow this kind of study to even materialize in a world that has a proven cure is certainly recent.
I got an MMR vaccine at 40 for a job, and only had to because my records from small town Canada weren’t available from my childhood vaccinations.
Crazy to me that it might actually matter.
I know I had at least one shot as a baby/child/whenever it was appropriate in the 70’s. Then the Air Force gave me the MMR vax before deploying in the '00s just for good measure. Much appreciated now.
Yeah, you now have Autism
Trains or something IDK
“Take me to the gauges and dials. No eye contact.”
Choo choo motherfucker
You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of your death
I wanted to add:
Asking for my autism /s
But was scared lol.
a lot of our ASD students are really into pro wrestling too
You can ask to have your titers checked. I did mine about 5 years ago when it first started being reported that dipshits were doing their best to bring back measles and I was still well in the immune range but I’m glad I had it done. I had to tell my doctor I was traveling internationally to a country with lower vax rates (I was) to get him to agree, but I’d imagine doctors would be happy to check now.
If you were born before 1989 then you may have only been vaccinated a single time; a second dose takes the vaccine effectiveness from 93% to 97%.
So if you’ve don’t have access to your childhood vaccine records, then as other have suggested asking you doctor to run titers for measles is the best way to protect yourself.
You should have had two, and yes. It’s 97% effective for life, typically.
Depends the year you were born and where, of you had the latest vaccine and with 2 doses then it supposed to provide 97% protection. Though it all really depends how is your immune system. If you have immune condition you might need a booster.
Texas… warns AGAINST something dumb?
Genuine surprise over here.
Bye bye Texans, it was not nice knowing ya’ll
Was it, though?
If you mean that Texas will survive, it will, of course. Just like earth will quite easily survive climate change. Most of us won’t, but to the earth that it but a scratch.
In the same way, Texas will be fine. Loads of Texans, though, will not.
And as viruses bacteria and fungi couldn’t give two shits about your cute borders, the joy and happiness of measles will spread tomother states, them countries.
At least in other countries, most people still are vaccinated.
I have a hatred for unvaccinated idiots (with the exception of peopem that have REAL reasons not to vaccinate, immune issues, etc, NOT religion), as far as I’m concerned they should all be shipped off to some remote island, be quarantined, and a hundred years from now we’ll come back to clear the bones.
What a marvelously American headline.
This is child abuse.
Pro life starts at conception, pro life ends at birth
Republicans are right into that
I guess the idea behind a “measles party” is to introduce the virus to the child’s immune system so that they can develop antibodies for it?
Damn, if only there was a safer way. Like if a doctor could introduce a very small amount of the virus to the child’s immune system. Do you think a dead virus would be enough for the immune system to learn what it is and how to fight it? Why aren’t scientists working on this?!
Just a small akshually : Viruses cant be dead or alive because the have no metabolism anyway so most (modern) vaccines work by extracting their mrna or the lipids on their surface and injecting that. Injecting a small portion of whole viruses my still infect you. Fyi
Edit: ok I talked some garbage here: while viruses do not have a metabolism and thereby are, by the definition of some, not alive, there is apparently a way to make vaccines by destroying the genome of the virus via heat or chemicals and using the “shells” to make vaccines…
Source (disclosure: website owned by vaccine producer) here
mRNA vaccines are, of course, just the absolute tits - but they’re a tiny proportion of modern vaccines and the very first ones are one a few years old, created to treat COVID. But yeah, 100%, we don’t use the virus in the vaccine! Even the first ever vaccine was (as you will know) not created from the disease it was meant to treat, but from one similar enough that it gave protection to the other. And smallpox doesn’t exist any more so, well, that worked out pretty well didn’t it. You don’t give someone the virus to stop them getting that virus, but you might well give them a virus, in an attenuated form of the target
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Chicken pox parties were a thing in the 70s and 80s. I think that’s before they had a vaccine? I don’t remember measles parties being a thing though.
No shit, chicken pox is not particularly serious compared to fucking measles. These people are idiots
For little ones, no big deal. For teens or older, it’s godawful. Easily the worst sickness of my entire life.
I mean conservatives were advertising covid parties in 2020…
In adults it’s severe and can be life-threatening
My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, never caught it. Then I got hit with chicken pox when I was 16 and it fucked me royal, still have scars. Be damned sure I got my shingles vax though!
apparently people can have a mild chickenpox infection, and then you get it again, and its as if you never had it before. also the reason why some people get the vaccine and then get shingles down the line, the vaccine suppresses it to subclinical infection, so you wouldnt know, and then you get infected with the wild version, and then develop shingles later. chickenpox is one of the weird infection that the vaccine doesnt entirely protect against mainly because like most herpes it begins to travel to your neurons and dorsal ganglia when infection starts(your immune system doesnt attack your nerves for good reason and the virus has ways of evading your immune system as well), the main point it protects agianst severe infections, much like with covid vaccine.
Chickenpox is severe the older you are. Compared to shingles, chickenpox is more likely to cause severe symptoms
Measles was probably too dangerous to children, let alone adults will get a severe infection than children