Just fund all the open source projects. Like, all of them.
It’s amazing the amount of ressources that are spent on creating an environment/platform that locks users in.
Like, shit, if we spent like 10% on that efforts into open source stuff we’d be living in a utopia right now or something.
Nuclear Fusion.
I’m not sure what technology I would choose, but surely it would be related to the climate change.
Get the plastic out of living organisms for fuck’s sake
Fusion power or cures for diseases.
Fusion power, should it work, would solve a lot of problems. Environmentally, in particular, but if we could get a decent distribution of reactors around the planet we’d alleviate food problems, water problems, and a whole bunch of suffering of one kind or another. Cheap power would help a lot.
Otherwise, anything to help cure diseases. Genetic, auto-immune, cancers, misfortune, whatever. Alleviate more suffering, let people live and work again.
I want a machine that works me out while I sleep. I’m talking full body ripped (to my desired levels) all while I get my sleep for the night.
Just electrically stimulate my muscles constantly while keeping me in a deep sleep for 8 hours straight please.
I wanna wake up every morning feeling like I just left the gym after a solid full body work out.
You can get electric muscle zappers already. Just add ketamine for the z’s and you’re good!
Clean nuclear energy
Reverse osmosis and water filtration technology solutions
UPDATE: Also, why not focus on stopping money going towards cryptocurrency instead of AI. Sure, AI is not the greatest for some, but cryto is a scam every day of the week
room temp superconductors
In everything that has a realistic chance to stop or reverse climate change
how about pocket computers with the power of a smartphone but the common sense usability of a goddamn graphing calculator? i’m sitting on a magic rectangle with more computing power than the apollo mission and it doesn’t even let me blink the LED without installing an app?? these things should legally have to come with a scripting environment.
As someone who never managed to work with a graphing calculator, you made me want this.
the closest thing on android right now is an app called Termux, it simulates a linux scripting environment with several languages (including C, python, and javascript), and it can be programmed to do anything an app can do (including blink the LED).
but c’mon, that should be standard. also phones should come rooted.
As someone who has used a graphing calculator in high school, uhhhhhh I must have been using a different brand because it was always a struggle.
Steam Deck is a step in the right direction but a bit too big
cure for tinnitus
Atmospheric carbon sequestration
Finding new and unique ways to make parabolic mirrors more efficiently and inexpensively
Imagine being into generative AI when the moon is literally red as I type this. You could be looking at the Orion Nebula right now instead of staring at a screen playing charades with a soulless marionette dancing under the hands of billionaires who you’re giving a direct line straight into your brain, bypassing all critical thought
Climate change
I would specifically pick Fusion research.
That’s not a single endeavor, like, at all.
Neither is ‘AI’
I wrote Generative AI. Do you want to put the two on the same scale of complexity?
It is a singular endeavor with tons of moving parts, like pretty much every modern endeavor.
My problem with counting all climate change is that the goal itself is not unique: there are atmospheric greenhouse gasses to lower, which are something completely different than the acidification of the oceans, which are completely different from deforestation.
And the effects themselves are, it’s true, all originated from an imbalance in a system, but exactly because climate is a complex system, they differ wildly.