When the walls slouched
My wife isn’t quite nerdy enough to get this yet, and my parents haven’t watched TNG in so long they don’t remember the phrase.
I have nobody who gets this in my life…
/c/tenforward understands you though.
SARGE, his spouse confused, his parents lost.
It’s funny to remember that bricks used to be structurally relevant. Also, that’s a wild pattern on the broken windows. Looks like snowflakes
Whoever did the brick work was fantastic, too bad the rest of the crew failed.
When the walls considered thier small place in the vast universe and realized that no matter how many bricks they were made of ultimately they were but tiny specks of dust whizzing around in circles on the rock they were made from and will soon return to and so they sighed, got drunk, and called thier ex. But her husband picked up and then the wall was embarrassed. Until years later the wall agian considered thier small place in the vast universe and realized that no matter how many bricks they were made of ultimately they were but tiny specks of dust whizzing around in circles on the rock they were made from and will soon return to and so they sighed, got drunk, and called thier ex. This time she picked up and was divorced and the wall and its ex spent many days nights talking on the phone and going out and laughing and having a grand old time until they stopped talking one day for no discernable reason other than they just drifted apart as some couples do and then the wall sighed agian and shrugged, being built from specks of dusk on and of the rock whizzing through space that it was made of until finally one day it fell.
Ah. From the Bergman version. Classic.
Reminds me of the old BEST showrooms. They were art pieces.
If you can do a spine transfer into the top open part of the building you can find a secret tape.
LOLIRL. Needed this, thank you