Al Dente: the perfect balance between soft and hard.
Huge Ackman
Chadwick Cockburn
Tunacan Pete
Jon Reremy
I’d go with something that has a little more class than most of the suggestions here. Something with a certain ring to it. Like… Biggus Dickus
What’s so funny about ‘Biggus Dickus’?
I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called ‘Biggus Dickus’.
No last name, just Dave.
Joke Dave boss Pope 🤣 Hook hand man car door
Thanks! I was just looking for this joke the other day
My last name is a gemstone that is already used by strippers/pornstars often so I would probably keep that as the second part of my name but come up with something funny and/or masculine sounding for the first part since I’m a straight guy and not a female stripper/porn star.
Fuck it ill go with Dick Diamond.
Is this Jack Ruby’s lemmy account?
Gives you a opportunity for great catch phrase:
“I’m as hard as a diamond” “Dont bite this diamond” “This diamond performs under intense heat and pressure”
I have used all of these and more accompanied by a goofy smirk. My girlfriends have not found it as funny as I have. Haha
Chode Loadington
Roy Mustang. Always thought that guy was wasting his time in the military with a name like that
Silky Johnson
Average Richard
One of my favorites:
Probably something with "Bear“ and "small“ like BearySmalls or something idk I’m a short and very obese hetero guy - no one would wanna watch me besides a few FFAs whose preferences I cover.
G Hitman